All the lights

I took this shot late at night from the Karl’s bridge in Prague. I really like taking this kind of shots, having these long light reflections in the water. As for this photo, the ones taken from the camera were very warm, almost yellow, from all the lights. But with a lot of color correcting, it got this nice combination of yellow, green and blue.

HDR from three shota, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-200mm lens, from a tripod. Again here I used manual focus, to be sure it focused correctly.

All the lights  I took this shot late at night from the Karl's bridge in Prague. I really like taking this kind of shots, having these long light reflections in the water. As for this photo, the ones taken from the camera were very warm, almost yellow, from all the lights. But with a lot of color correcting, it got this nice combination of yellow, green and blue.  HDR from three shota, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-200mm lens, from a tripod. Again here I used manual focus, to be sure it focused correctly.

Blue Sunset

This photo was taken from the Pajstun castle ruins in Slovakia, around sunset. It was actually quite strange, how blue the sky was. Usually when I take sunset photos I get a lot of shades from pink to purple, but this sunset, it was just shades of blue. And all other photos taken around this time are also very blue :). I tried to play with the temperature of this photo, to make it a little warmer, but then I lost the beautiful shades of blue in the sky, so I let it be.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Blue Sunset  This photo was taken from the Pajstun castle ruins in Slovakia, around sunset. It was actually quite strange, how blue the sky was. Usually when I take sunset photos I get a lot of shades from pink to purple, but this sunset, it was just shades of blue. And all other photos taken around this time are also very blue :). I tried to play with the temperature of this photo, to make it a little warmer, but then I lost the beautiful shades of blue in the so I let it be.  HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.


For a longer time I have noticed a lot of photographers creating a site also on After thinking it over I decided also to give it a try, registering at . As now I have my photos on this blog, on flickr and smugmug, it’s really starting to be too many sites. Currently I have all for a certain purpose, the blog is great for additional stuff (as this for instance :)), smugmug is a great portfolio site and flickr is for comunity. So the 500px looks like a nicer flickr replacement. What do you think?

Wagons in the harbor

Trains can give you such a nice vanishing point, the longer the better :). This photo was taken earlier this year in the Bratislava harbor. The sun was already quite low, and behind me, so if you look closely you can see the shadow of the camera.

HDR from three shota, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Wagons in the harbor  Train can give you such a nice vanishing point, the longer the better :). This photo was taken earlier this year in the Bratislava harbor. The sun was already quite low, and behind me, so if you look closely you can see the shadow of the camera.   HDR from three shota, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.


Night in Prague

I took quite a lot of shot in the center of Prague. The view at night is really beautiful.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-200mm lens from a tripod.

Night in Prague  I took quite a lot of shot in the center of Prague. The view at night is really beautiful.   HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-200mm lens from a tripod.



Strbske Pleso

These time I edited one of the photos I took like two years ago. This was actually the first time I started shooting bracketed shots for HDR’s :). I didn’t have my DSLR with me, but I had a borrowed Lumix TZ3 camera, which supports bracketing. It was only from -1 to +1, but better than nothing :).

This photo was taken at the Strpske Pleso in Hight Tatras in Slovakai. Taken with Lumix TZ3, HDR from three shots, taken handheld.

Strbske Pleso  These time I edited one of the photos I took like two years ago. This was actually the first time I started shooting bracketed shots for HDR's :). I didn't have my DSLR with me, but I had a borrowed Lumix TZ3 camera, which supports bracketing. It was only from -1 to +1, but better than nothing :).  This photo was taken at the Strpske Pleso in Hight Tatras in Slovakai. Taken with Lumix TZ3, HDR from three shots, taken handheld.

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