Lost in a reflection

Sometimes the reflections are just perfect, you could even be fooled to think that they are the real thing :) This one was taken at the park near the Chateau in Lednice. I wanted a shot also from the bridge, but it wasn’t accessible. Well, maybe next time :)

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Lost in a reflection  Sometimes the reflections are just perfect, you could even be fooled to think that they are the real thing :) This one was taken at the park near the Chateau in Lednice. I wanted a shot also from the bridge, but it wasn't accessible. Well, maybe next time :)  HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Bike up close

I used s wider aperture here. I wanted the bike to be sharp, but the background blurred. I also filled almost the whole photo with the bike, so it really the main subject :)

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-50mm lens, from a tripod

Bike up close  I used s wider aperture here. I wanted the bike to be sharp, but the background blurred. I also filled almost the whole photo with the bike, so it really the main subject :)  HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 18-50mm lens, from a tripod.

Running on Steam

Of course, where there were old locomotives, there had to some other old machines. Everitme they moved this roller, you could feel the ground shaking around it :)

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens from a tripod.

Running on Steam  Of course, where there were old locomotives, there had to some other old machines. Everitme they moved this roller, you could feel the ground shaking around it :)  HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens from a tripod.

Go into the light

or not :) its your decision :). This is one of those more “artistic” shots I sometimes do :). I took it inside the tower of The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Brno. This small passage connects the two towers of the church. At that time I was the only one there, so I could take this shot.

I brightened the center, darkened the corners and converted to B&W, so the main focus is on the leading lines, which hopefully, should pull you eyes directly into the photo.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod

Go into the light   or not :) its your decision :). This is one of those more

Taking few days off

After few months, I’m finally taking a little vacation from work and also from Internet :). So the next few days I’m completely offline. But as always, blog will be regularly updated with a new photo every day. Thank you wordpress for the scheduling function :)

Front page on Flickr’s Explore

For the fist time ever, one of my photos got on the front page on Flickr’s Explore. Thank you all who helped to achieve this :)

Small moon under the bridge

On this one I could have used so many more brackets. I took 6 shots, from -2 to +3 and created two additional ones in lightroom at -4 and +4, but still the castle is too bright and the bridge too dark.

HDR from 6 shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Small moon under the bridge  On this one I could have used so many more brackets. I took 6 shots, from -2 to +3 and created two additional ones in lightroom at -4 and +4, but still the castle is too bright and the bridge too dark.   HDR from 6 shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

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