Bigger looks better

There is one thing about HDR’s different to normal photos. This is that the bigger they are, the better they look. The reason for this is simple. HDR photos have usually so much detail, that in a small view, most of it gets lost. And this holds true even more by cityscapes, like the one I’m posting today. So if you want to see it in the best way possible, I suggest clicking on the photo, to open the one stored on my portfolio page.

What gear I use

A lot of times I get asked, what I used to take a specific photo. So I created a page on this site, which includes all the gear I currently use. You can find it in the sidebar as My gear or directly here. Also each post you expand, includes a description of the used camera and lens under the photos.

Mountains in the distance

This is the view from the top of the Alcazar in Segovia. It really was just beautiful. After it was overcast the whole morning, the sky cleared and we had this beautiful view of the city. The view was great, but the light was horrible. The photos came out colorless, really boring. I edited this few times, until I was at least partially satisfied with the result. If you look at the comparison with the original 0EV shot, you will see what I mean.
Mountains in the distance

Welcome to my new blog

Hope you like it here. After two years I’m leaving in favor of a self hosted wordpress site. This gives me the oportunity to add more stuff to the page, and have it more “my way”.

As you can see, I selected a new theme for this blog. I think its more cleaner than the old one and  showcases the photos much more. It’s not wider than the old one, but it has bigger photos.  If you look over the page, you will see, that there is less info by the photos, but don’t worry. If you view a full post you will see  the detailed information on used gear and my camera settings. Each post now also includes a map, with the location, where the photo was taken.

And don’t forget my favorite new feature, the before/after comparison. Each post in this category includes a comparison between the normal photo (0EV exposure) and my final HDR. Just select the big before/after button on the right, to see which posts include this comparison.

I’m still working on the new site, so there will be more changes as I add them. If you find anything that is not working, please let me know.

Thank you for all your visits, comments and support, I hope you all like this new blog :) 

The old blog ( will be updated for the next few days, and after that I will turn on a redirect, so it points to the this one.

Testing the Promote

I have the Promote remote for a week now and I have been testing it quite a lot. And i decided to try it on one of my favorite views in Bratislava, the view of the New Bridge. I did 7 shots here. I could use even more, as still there are few overexposed areas. But still, I’m very impressed with the amount of detail you can get when using more than 3 shots.

Testing the PromoteI have the Promote remote for a week now and I have been testing it quite a lot. And i decided to try it on one of my favorite views in Bratislava, the view of the New Bridge. I did 7 shots here. I could use even more, as still there are few overexposed areas. But still, I'm very impressed with the amount of detail you can get when using more than 3 shots.

Last night in Madrid

This was taken the last night I was in Madrid. My friends decided to visit a gallery, but I preferred a place where I could take photos. This was again a scene like created for a HDR. The whole bottom part is very light, with the building and the base of the statue very bright. On the other side, the sky was dark, and the statue has no lights pointing to it. But with HDR I got both.

Last night in MadridThis was taken the last night I was in Madrid. My friends decided to visit a gallery, but I preferred a place where I could take photos. This was again a scene like created for a HDR. The whole bottom part is very light, with the building and the base of the statue very bright. On the other side, the sky was dark, and the statue has no lights pointing to it.  But with HDR I got both.Get more info about this photo on my blog

About this page

As I created this page, I seen wordpress pages using a lot of plugins that I like, but I could not find which plugins they were. So to maybe helps some of you, here is a list of what I use on this page:

  • WordPress – the whole site is a classic wordpress instalation
  • ProPhoto theme (no longer used) – the theme I use is a ProPhoto theme. You can find info about it here
  • Phrase theme – the new theme, currently used, more info here
  • Before/After Pictures – plugin used to show comparisons between original and HDR images
  • Google Maps v3 Shortcode – plugin used to insert the location maps into posts
  • Social Media Widget (no longer used)plugin for the social media icons on top of the sidebar
  • Zilla Social – plugin for the social media icons on top of the sidebar
  • Zilla Share – plugin used for the share buttons in each post
  • WordPress Popular Posts – plugin used to show the list of popular posts in the sidebar
  • Related Posts Thumbnails (no longer used) – used to show the related posts on each post page
  • Generate Post Thumbnails – used to generate thumbnails all at once
  • Use Avatar – used to add an avatar image to the user profile

ProPhoto theme Discount code

If you like the theme this site used, the ProPhoto theme, you can use this discount code MPET8715 ang get a 10$ discount on it :)

Info about the theme and prices can be found here

ProPhoto theme

Page evolution

This is a little look at all the versions of my blog, how it looked over the years  :)


I tend to use a lot of software and camera gear, so I thought I share with you my thoughts on them. My reviews are short, and I try to show what the software/hardware is good for, how I use it, and how it may be useful in your workflow. In the case of some of them, I also have discount codes, that you may use, if you decide to buy the product, and you can find them at the end of the review.

I hope you find them useful.

Programs & Plugins:


Various gear:

Online Services:

  • Smugmug – place to create you own portfolio website
  • Moo cards – a service to create your own business cards


To see what software and gear I use, please visit the My Gear page
Behind the camera Just a shot of my camera :)

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