After Bratislava, Prague is the second city I took most photos of. I go there at least two times a year, and each time I take so many photos and find so many new views. It’s really a  very beautiful city. A lot of these are directly in the center of the city, but still, you have to find the right spot, to get the best photo :)

To see all my photos from Prague, check out the Prague category

Since this page is the most popular part of my blog, I thought I give you even more spots. So look for the new ones at the end of the page :) If you don’t have much time to prepare yourself before the trip, check out the best places for photography yourself, check out Johnny’s Prague Photo Tours for guided offers.

Don’t forget to check out other available lists:

Smetanovo nabrezi (Vltava waterfront)

You just can’t miss this place. So many tourist taking photos. I always laugh when I see them taking photo of the landscape here using a flash :). But the secret of this place, is to go here when there is not much wind, and finding the right spot. There is a small cascade in the Vltava river here, so part of the river is calm and part isn’t. So if you are standing correctly, you will have the most beautiful reflection of the Prague castle possible :)

Wider view
Night in Prague

Under the Charles Bridge

Yes that’s correct. Not on the Charles Bridge, but under it. When you are there you will immediately see why. First of all, you will be alone there :) As the way here is not so visible (you have to go down from the bridge and the return a little), tourists just ignore it. I never met another person there. Secondly, the view of the bridge is great. And not many people will have the same photo.

Karl's Bridge at Midnight
Fisherman an the Bridge

Old town hall tower

Ok, another classic. The view of the city is great here, but also the number of people is big. But right around sunset it gets better. Great thing here is that you can take your tripod here. Just be ready to protect it, as the moving people will bump into you constantly :) Also the elevator inside the tower is great for sci-fi looking photos.

Easter Market
The warm rays of the Sun

Charles Bridge tower

Another tower. Not so frequented by tourists, as there is no elevator, and it doesn’t look that you can go up from outside. You can quite easily miss the entrance. You can also use your tripod here. There are more towers in Prague (like Petrin), but these don’t allow for tripods and are quite far away from the center.

The blue sunset in Prague
The beauty of a sunset

Strelecky Ostrov (Shooters Island)

Great name to be placed on this blog, don’t you think? :) Great view of the historical center and with a great reflection. Also the Bridge of legions and the National theater reflect so nicely. (note: last time I was in Prague, this whole area was closed for reconstructions, so I’m not sure if it’s open again)

A fogy reflection
A very sunny day in Prague

Letenske Sady (Letna park)

This place has a great view of the city and all the bridges. If you have good luck for weather that is. I personally never had luck for that. Usually it’s either overcast, or completely covered with fog. But I will return to it, until I get the shot I wont. (and last time I had luck.. so I added the photo here :))

Saturday, foggy Saturday
Bridges over Vltava

Prague Metro

Some of you maybe like taking metro shots, as I do. Prague metro is great for it. You can use your tripod, but I would not go there during the rush hour. At that time it’s possible, that you would be stooped for using it. But try going there in the early morning on Sunday, and you have the whole place for yourself. Here are photos from two different spots, the map shows the second.

Moving Underground
The Angel Station

These are my top photography places in Prague. If you want to see more, explore Prague with a local photographer who will reveal you many other great spots for photography, check out Johnny’s Prague Photo Tours.

Other available lists:

Top 5 Spots

There is a new part to this blog. It’s called Top 5 Spots and it’s list of the top 5 places in the cities I know. Of course i started with Bratislava, but I will add few more later on (Vienna, Prague…). Hope you like the list and also find it useful, if you ever plan a trip to Bratislava.  So check it out here Top 5 Photography Spots – Bratislava

Storks in Segovia

I know it’s little harder to see, but on the two trees in front are stork nests on top. As I still don’t have a zoom lens, I had no chance to take a closer photo :) But that will change hopefully quite soon.

This photo was taken from the top of the Alcazar in Segovia. I wanted to add a photo of the Alcazar too, but I don’t know what I was thinking about while photographing it, as I don’t like the composition in a single one.
Storks in Segovia

As I take quite a lot of photos and visit some cities fairy regularly, I decided to put together few lists of my favorite places to take photos from.

So if you are going to visit any of them, and want to know some nice places from where to take photos, check them out.

I’m including a gps location to also show where the respective photo was taken (or where the general area was) and also if tripods are allowed or not. I focus on publicly accessible areas and prefer the ones with tripods allowed.

The lists are also available in Japanese, and you can find those here トップ写真スポット.


Top 5 photography spots in Amsterdam


Top photography spots in Astana


Top 5 photography spots in Bratislava


Top 5 photography spots in Budapest

Cesky Krumlov

Top 5 photography spots in Cesky Krumlov

Cinque Terre

Top 5 photography spots in Cinque Terre


Top 5 photography spots in Dubai


Top photography spots in Hallstatt


Top 5 photography spots in London




Top 5 photography spots in Paris


Top 5 photography spots in Prague

Wachau Valley

Top 5 photography spots in Wachau Valley

If you are from any of the respective cities, and know a great place there, feel free to leave a message in the comment. I will try to check it out next time I’m visiting :)

Just a reflection

Another reflection photo. I just can’t stop taking them :) Yesterday I again had one of those days, when I just can decide what photo to put here. It happens from time to time. So in the end I decided for this one :)
Just a reflection Another reflection photo. I just can't stop taking them :)

Getting the final look

As you can see, the result from Photomatix is not the final photo. You have to tweak it more to get the final result.

There are two main approaches that you can use, to get the final, desired look in your HDR photo.  You can either use basic photo adjustments (curves, levels, contrast, hue/saturation…) in Photoshop  or you can use various available plugins.Using the adjustments is harder and takes more time to master, but you have much better control of the result (and better results in the end). Using the plugins is much simpler (usually you just select a preset) and much quicker to learn.I personally use a combination of both approaches, I just use what fits the image. But you always have to be careful. When you can recognize the plugins from the final photo, you have overdone it.I won’t go int photo adjustments here. There are a big part of Photoshop and if you look around you can find many tutorials how to use them. Instead I will show you the plugins and their settings I use the most.

Masking the results in

Same as when correcting problems in HDR’s,  these plugins should not be used on the whole photo, but just be masked in where you need it. For instance, you need more noise reduction on the sky, but usually no sharpening.

Imagenomic Noiseware Pro

My prefered way to remove noise from images. As I mentioned in previous part, be care full not to overdo it, as you will lose a lot of detail in your photo. Usually you need more noise reduction in the sky, than in other parts of the photo. Also when you are shooting citiscapes, you should not remove noise on the buildings. You need to keep some detail there.As I shoot mostly on the 5D mark II with the ISO on 100 I don’t go very high on the setting here. Preset weaker noise, with luminance -10 to -5 and color usually -20 to -5. You can easily experiment here, to see how much you need.

NIK Sharpener Pro

Currently my favorite way to sharpen the final image. I always use the output sharpener with the default settings. Only sometime I go up with the sharpness to about 130% and structure to about 10. Also be quite gentle with this, as when you sharpen too much, it’s starts to create artifacts in your image.Sometimes I do a second pass with the unsharp mask (as I mentioned in the previous part).  Sharpener pro sharpens the small details very nicely, and the unshapr mask with a higher radius (around 4px) can bring out the bigger ones.Don’t forget to remove the sharpness from the sky and from parts of your image with no details.

NIK Color effects Pro

I used to use this one on all of my images, but not anymore. I do more adjustments directly in Photoshop now. But still this is one great plugin and can help you a lot. For me the most useful presets here are:

Pro Contrast

The quickest way to correct the colors in your photo. Works very nicely in about 80% of cases. Still it should not be overused. You have 5 settings here:

  • Correct Color Cast – corrects colors. If you had bad white balance in your shots, this can really help. Setting around 30-50% works well here. If you don’t change the other settings, this is not that visible.
  • Correct Contrast – ads more contrast to your photo.
  • Dynamic Contrast – works together with the Correct Contrast. Ads more contrast on smaller scale, so you and up with more details. Both work best at around 30-50%
  • Shadows – Pro contrast tends to create a lot of black areas. Move this slider to the right to make them brighter.
  • Highlights – same as with shadows, Pro contrast can create very bright areas. Moving this to the right will make them darker

Pro contrast can create a lot of noise, so you should remove the noise before you apply this filter. It also can darken parts of your photo, so adding a levels layer and brightening the mid-tones can help a lot.

Tonal Contrast

If you photo looks too flat, and you want to add more detail to it use this one. But keep it subtle and use it only on the parts of your photo where you need it. For instance on clouds it can look absolutely horrible. Also be careful with a very noisy image. It can take noise as detail and make it worse. You have the following settings there:

  • Highlights, Midtones, Shadows – adds details in the respective parts of the photo. Usually you need the most detail in the midtones, but settings of 25% in all work very well.

  • Saturation – adds more color to your photo. I have noticed that tonal contrast can create very nice colors so it can be an alternative way to saturate your photo.
  • Shadows and Highlights – same as by Pro contrast. Move them both a little to the right.

It can happen that you want to use only the detail or only the colors from this effect. If you just want the detail and no change in colors set the Tonal Contrast layer to luminosity. If you want only colors, set it to color.

Detail Extractor

Similar to tonal contrast, this one also adds more detail into your photo. There are photos where this works wonders, but there are those where it creates a horrible mess. Best used when you have something where you want much more detail.Settings here are simple. Just add as much detail extractor as looks good. Adding a little contrast will give you a better result. 

Glamour Glow

This filter is under portrait category, but can create very nice results also on landscape shots. Especially very noisy clouds and dark clouds get a lot from this effect. Settings here are:

  • Glow – how much glow is in the photo. Around 20-30% is usually enough
  • Saturation – default settings are very low here. Add more and you will get better results. Around 30% works usually well
  • Glow Warmth – can be used to give a photo more warmer or cooler looks. Similar to white balance, but more subtle.


Simulates the effect of a polarizer filter on you lens. Adds a lot of blue into your photo. Best used when you have very bright sky and want to darken it.Changing the Rotate setting will change the color and Strength will change how much of the effect is used.

Nik Silver Effects Pro

This plugin is one of the best ways you can convert your photos into B&W. It is very simple to use and can create stunning results. There are only three settings here, Brightness, Contrast and Structure. Only structure is something new. It adds more detail and micro-contrast into your photo. My favorite preset here is high structure.

Topaz Adjust

Another very popular plugin. Can create a lot of very nice effects on you photos. But same as by all other, don’t overdo it.  A subtle effect can create a much more pleasing photo than a strong one. There are a lot of presets in Topaz Adjust, but my three favorite are Photo Pop, Portrait Drama and Spicify.

onOne PhotoTools

Another plugin that gives you so many options and results. A lot of photographers use only one from these three (either Color Effects, Topaz or Photo tools) as it is quite a lot to know all the settings in all of them.  I haven’t used this one in very long time but still you should give it a try. My two most used presets in this one are Amazing detail finder and Wow Landscape.

And that’s all for this part. This should have been the last part of my tutorial but there will be few more. There still are a lot of thing I can add here.

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