Colorful ships on Danube

Another ship themed photo. The yesterdays elevator was on a similar ship to this one. And as summer is closer and closer there are more ships on Danube. Not as big as the ones cruising the seas, but still huge :)
Colorful ships on Danube As summer is closer and closer there are more boats on Danube.

Glass elevator

During a little photo work I had the opportunity to visit a beautiful new ship called Amacerto, which now cruses the Danube river. I had little time, so I took only few shots inside, but I couldn’t resist to take a shot of this glass elevator. It reminds me a little of the one in the Old town hall in Prague.

I used the fish-eye lens on this one. I’m still getting used to it, and I thought that this would make a nice scene for it. I removed the distortion a little, as I was standing quite close and it was a little to much for my taste. Is it just me, or It is quite hard to center a fish-eye photo? I was a little off on this one, and I’m still not sure it perfectly symmetrical.
Glass elevator During a little photo work I had the opportunity to visit a beautiful new ship called Amacerto, which now cruses the Danube river.  I had little time, so I took only few shots inside, but I could resist to take a shot of this glass elevator.

Sunny day at the castle hill

Just another view of the Bratislava castle. I took this one just yesterday. As you can see, the weather was just beautiful. And the light was so nice, that I could get this image without even using bracketing. I could get all the light into one shot, without having any black areas or any overexposed areas. I even took this one handheld :). I of-course did HDR processing on it, to lighten the hill a little and darken the sky a little. But not very much.

Btw. those little tents, you can see next to the castle, were a food festival :)
Sunny day at the castle hill Just another view of the Bratislava castle.

Hungarian Parliament

As you can see, the weather was not good when I was in Budapest two months ago. But still I wanted at least some interesting photos. And as the Hungarian parliament just asks for a nice symmetrical photo, I took this one. The ship was just passing by, so I included it, to give a little life to this scene.
Hungarian Parliament As  you can see, the weather was not good when I was in Budapest two months ago. But still I wanted at least some interesting photos.

Falling towers

At first I did a straight on photo of the Three towers in Bratislava. But it looked quite boring with the clear blue sky. So I searched for something to fill the frame better, and this is what I ended up with. They say, that you should never have the horizon under an angle of 15 degrees, as then it looks line you made a mistake. So I think that with the almost 45 degree angle in this one, I’m on the safe side.

Also this is the first photo I’m publishing, which is not done using tone-mapping. I used exposure fusion on this one (second technique available in Photomatix). Exposure fusion can give more realistic results than tone-mapping, but it’s not so good if the dynamic range is very high. But it worked quite nicely on this one. If you would like to see my Photomatix settings, head over to my Facebook page, where I uploaded a screenshot yesterday.
Falling towers At first I did a straight on photo of the Three towers in Bratislava. But it looked quite boring with the clear blue sky. So I searched for something to fill the frame better, and this is what I ended up with.

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