Brackets to play with

Few days ago I released the source brackets from one of my photos on my Facebook page. It is so anyone, can try and edit them. There are still available for download, so if anyone wants to try HDR processing, you can easily download and use them.

They can be found here:

A little tip on processing. You should correct the white balance first, tungsten works great here. Please share your results on my Facebook page, and if you want to share it somewhere else, please don’t forget to give me credit for the photo and link back to this page. Thank you

The Eiffel tower in Bratislava

I had no idea there is one in Bratislava. I just stumbled across it one evening while shooting around the Kuchajda lake. I wish I also had photos of the big one in Paris, but since the last time I was there was in 2000, I had absolutely no photos of it.
The Eiffel tower in Bratislava I had no idea there is one in Bratislava. I just stumbled across it one evening.

Just colors

Not much composition in this one, just the horizon line on the gold ratio line. But the colors here are just stunning.
Just colors Not much composition in this one, just the horizon line on the gold ratio line. But the colors here are just stunning.

Number 15

I took this photo two times. One at F2.8 and one at F9. I just wanted to see the difference. And in the end I went with the one at F2.8. It blurred the background a little, which made the bikes stood out a little more. Sometimes really having the whole image sharp makes it just worse.
Number 15 I took this photo two times. One at F2.8 and one at F9. I just wanted to see the difference. And in the end I wend with the one at F2.8. It blurred the background a little, which made the bikes stood up a little more.

HDR tutorial – part 3

It took me longer than expected, but finally I have added the third part to my HDR tutorial. This one focuses on different problems that can arise in tone-mapped HDR and how to solve them.

I hope it will be helpful at least for some of you. If you find any errors, or you can understand some part, feel free to comment and I will try to reply.

You can look at the whole HDR tutorial or jump directly to the new part.

The ceiling of the Lady Chapel

Just to add to the variability on my blog I edit old photos from time to time. And this is one from my visit to Liverpool in 2010. I’m always a little sad when editing old photos, as I know I could have taken them better. But there are also good memories from the trips so it evens thing out :)
The ceiling of the Lady Chapel Just to add to the variability on my blog I edit old photos from time to time. And this is one from my visit to Liverpool in 2010.

Red sky

Just one more fireworks shot for now :) I can’t wait until I have again a change to take more fireworks shots. It’s not so hard to get nice ones, just the problem is that most will have a very similar composition, as you can’t really move that much during the few minutes the fireworks happen.

Red sky Just one more fireworks shot for now :)

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