View from the Charles Bridge tower

I already added a photo taken at the opposite side of the Charles Bridge tower. That one was towards the castle, this one is towards the city. I had to push my camera in between stone parts of the tower, to get an unobstructed view. I wanted to have more of the square in the photo, but it was just not possible.
View from the Charles Bridge tower I already added a photo taken at the opposite side of the Charles Bridge tower. That one was towards the castle, this one is towards the city.

Early morning in Prague

As usually, when I go out to shoot a sunrise in Prague, there is fog there. But I try and try again and again. But until I get a fog-less sunrise, how about this one.
Early morning in Prague As usually, when I go out to shoot a sunrise in Prague, there is fog there.

Toledo Cathedral

Today a quick shot of the Toledo cathedral. Would have like to spend more time here, but you know how it is when you go on a trip with non-photographer friends :). They are not always in a mood to wait for you :) So at least I snapped few shots handheld, and the worked out quite nicely. It would be even better it the sky was more interesting that day, but I newer replace the sky, and I don’t to start with it now.
Toledo Cathedral Today a quick shot of the Toledo cathedral.

Sandy Jeep

This looks almost lie a render, doesn’t it? It was in the shadow, with a very flat light, so it just looks like a model. I was actually quite lucky to have (almost) no people in the shot. All around me was a crowd, but just for the moment, nobody was standing by this car. So it took this only handheld, and very quickly :)
Sandy Jeep This looks almost lie a render, doesn't it?

Enclosed in stone

I don’t take that many photos of statues, but this one really looks interesting. Would love to see how they fit them into the stone :) This is the Julius Zeyer Monument in Prague.

I took this photo one early morning. I went to the Letna park to take some photos of the city, and the weather was nothing much. So I explored the surrounding area and found this monument. I went for a nice and tight crop here, as it was quite cloudy, and the sky was just boring. Also as it was quite early in spring, the surrounding trees were also nothing much.

I actually made a little video while shooting there (no exactly on the same spot, but not far from this). Not much, just showing few steps, same as I mention in my HDR tutorial

And here is the daily photo:

Enclosed in stone I don't take that many photos of statues, but this one really looks interesting. Would love to see how they fit them into the stone :)

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