Ginger & Fred

This one took a lot of retouching, to get this one exactly how I wanted. Almost nothing was left from the tonemapped photomatix image. This actually happens a lot to me lately. I just use the tone-mapped image as a base, and recover a lot of the photo from the original shots.
Ginger & Fred This one took a lot of retouching, to get this one exactly how I wanted. Almost nothing was left from the tonemapped photomatix image.

Triple statue

The Charles bridge is so great for photos. You can just shoot and shoot and shoot. And that’s exactly what I did. And the sky I got, just made it better. As you can see, I was no longer alone on the bridge. Few moments after I got there, other photographers started arriving on the bridge. And few people, whose job was probably to interfere with the photos. As they just came and stood in front of the statues, like there was no better place for them to be.
Triple statue The Charles bridge is so great for photos. You can just shoot and shoot and shoot. And that's exactly what I did. And the sky I got, just made it better.

Eye on the wall

One more from the John Lennon wall (I will maybe add some more ). I just love all the colors you can get in one photo here. And I also love Beatles. They are still my favorite band, and they probably stay my favorite band until I die :). Their songs are just timeless.
Eye on the wall One more from the John Lennon wall (I will maybe add some more ). I just love all the colors you can get in one photo here.

Prague Roofs

A little different view of the Prague Castle. One form the middle of the city. The sunset the day I took this was a little boring, absolutely no clouds. At least the colors was nice.
Prague Roofs A little different view of the Prague Castle.

Fisherman an the Bridge

I know..I know.. another one of the Charles bridge. But if you had a photo like this, wouldn’t you share it? :)

As you can see, there is again a fisherman in this photo. I actually have a fisherman in most of my morning bridge photos. And they fit there so nicely. Filing out spaces, which would be empty otherwise.. so perfect for the composition.
Fisherman an the Bridge I know..I know.. another one of the Charles bridge. But if you had a photo like this, wouldn't you share it? :)

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