Number 4

Let’s continue to number 4. Again the New Bridge, but this time from the opposing side. It’s already more than a year since I posted this photo, and two years since I took it, and still it’s one of the most liked of my photos.

This photo is on Flickr here colorsI processed this photo few months ago, and never got to publishing it :). So here it is now. This was again one of the days, where every single shot is beautiful :) There were such beautiful clouds and sunset that I'm actually sad I didn't take more.HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a gorillapod.

Number 5

As I am currently away and was so busy last weeks, I had absolutely no time to create enough photos for the whole week. So instead for the next five days, I will take a look at the top 5 most favorited photos at my Flickr page. Hope you don’t mind :) So lets start with number 5

So this one is of the New Bridge, or the SNP bridge, if they already changed the name. I still don’t see why they should change it.

This photo is on Flickr here

Massive A lot of people don't like distortion in their photos. I don't mind. Sometimes I even like them. Like for instance here. The view through a wide angle lens make the bridge look so massive and majestic, exactly the look I was going for :). Everyone visiting this blog regularly, will definitely recognize the bridge in this photos. Of course it's the New Bridge in Bratislava.HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Let’s party

I think that’s usually done here :) This is the chandelier, I posted a photo of some time ago (this one). In that photo, I placed the tripod directly in the middle of the room, on that small podium.

I used exposure fusion instead of tone-mapping for this one. I noticed, that especially for interior shots, it gives me much cleaner and sharper results. And that’s what I’m going for.
Let's partyI think that's usually done here :)

Apple Lens

This is quite a random photo I took while playing with the Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS II lens. Actually the name Apple lens came from a comment I received on this photo, when I posted it on my Facebook page :)
Apple LensThis is quite a random photo I took while playing with the Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS II lens.

Anyone for a coffee?

When you start taking photos, it will eventually lead you to places you usually don’t go. And that’s such a great thing. So this time it’s a small lounge inside the Carlton hotel in Bratislava. It’s quite a challenging room to shoot in. You have a combination of natural and artificial light, and so many mirrors, so you have to be careful not to be seen in them.

This photo is not shared under CC. All rights reserved, please don’t use without permission.Anyone for a coffee? When you start taking photo, it will eventually lead you to places you usually don't go. And that's such a great thing. So this time it's a small lounge inside the Carlton hotel in Bratislava. It's quite a challenging room to shoot in. You have a combination of natural and artificial light, and so many mirrors, so you have to be careful not to be seen in them.

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