Veteran Club

I haven’t done a double tone-mapped HDR in a long time and this photo gave me the opportunity. I went for a little more grunge look, with a lot of detail and de-saturated colors. I think it works here.

If you don’t know what double tone-mapping is, check out my HDR tutorial, part 2 exactly :)
Veteran Club I haven't done a double tone-mapped HDR in a long time and this photo gave me the opportunity. I went for a little more grunge look, with a lot of detail and de-saturated colors.

Lovely street in Coventry

Why aren’t all city streets like this. So many trees, just beautiful.
Lovely street in Coventry Why aren't all city streets like this. So many trees, just beautiful.

Bratislava Castle after dark

I know, it’s another photo of Bratislava castle. But as it is so dominant in Bratislava, you just have to take more photos of it. Same as when photographers from Paris have a lot of photos of the Eiffel tower, I have a lot of photos of the Bratislava Castle :)

Bratislava Castle after dark I know, it's another photo of Bratislava castle. But as it is so dominant in Bratislava, you just have to take more photos of it. Same as when photographers from Paris have a lot of photos of the Eiffel tower, I have a lot of photos of the Bratislava Castle :)

Behind the big window

A little more unusual place and not seen by many people. This is inside the small chapel in Bratislava Castle. If you ever been in Bratislava and seen the castle, you will notice a big ugly window on the side, which really doesn’t fit there. And this is right behind that window. It’s a little empty, as the castle is still under reconstruction, but still interesting. Also I took this early this year, and as you can see the weather was not perfect that day.
Behind the big windowA little more unusual place and not seen by many people. This is inside the small chapel in Bratislava Castle.

Stone Bench by Danube

A great thing about photos, especially if you are shooting in RAW, is that you can go back to your very old photos and edit them with all the new post-processing techniques you now. So for today I selected a photo from summer of 2010. The quality is worse than by my new photos, as it was taken with the 450D, but still quite nice :). You can find this bench right bellow the Devin castle ruins near Bratislava.
Stone Bench by Danube You can find this bench right bellow the Devin castle ruins near Bratislava.

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