New desktop wallpapers

After a long time I have again updated the selection of my HDR desktop wallpapers with 3 new ones. Head over to the wallpaper page to check them out.

Coat of arms of Kosice

According to wikipedia, Kosice was the first town in Europe to be granted its own coat of arms. And this is the statue representing it in the middle of the town.
Coat of arms of Kosice According to wikipedia, Kosice was the first town in Europe to be granted its own coat of arms. And this is the statue representing it in the middle of the town.

Street in Tranava

I have quite the luck for clear skies during the blue hour. It happens almost each time I take photos during that time of the day.
This is one of the photos I took with the Canon 450D and used only 3 brackets. You really can see the difference compared to a 5D mark II photo. Especially when editing. There is so much more noise and less sharpness. The full frame camera is really worth it :)
Street in Tranava I have quite the luck for clear skies during the blue hour. It happens almost each time I take photos during that time of the day.

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