Living by the river

I wouldn’t mind living close to a river, but I think this is a little too close. I took this photo in the center of Nuremberg in Germany. As I only had 2 hours to orientate my self in the city and take some photo, and the city was full of people, I decided to try to take some shots close to the river, as I hoped there it would be quite empty. And I was right.
Living by the river I wouldn't mind living close to a river, but I think this is a little too close

St. Sebaldus Church

Taking photos inside churches is a little like an adrenaline sport. You have to work very quickly and take as many photos as you can, before they stop you :) I actually prefer to ask for permission, but that’s not always possible and most of churches have really unfriendly stance towards tripods. I really don’t know why. In this church, I have found no one to ask if it’s permitted and there were no signs, so I took few photos without problems :)
St. Sebaldus Church Taking photos inside churches is a little like an adrenaline sport. You have to work very quickly and take as many photos as you can, before they stop you :)

Prague center

You can’t take many sunset photos while traveling on a ship, so I had to use the one sunset I was in Prague to the fullest. So it was another tower for me, and as this one was closes to my hotel, it was an easy decision. I meet again with a czech photographer Honza Jílek and if you check out his page you can see his version of this sunset.
Prague center

Arriving in Vienna

I just returned today from a week long trip on board the Amadolce river ship. So today only a quick post with a new photo and I will mention more over the next days (together with more new photos :)) So this one is taken from the lounge of the Amadolce, as it was arriving in Vienna, very early in the morning.
Arriving in Vienna Taken from the lounge of the Amadolce river ship, as it was arriving in Vienna, very early in the morning.

Clear water

Another one from the Gellért Spa in Budapest. This time one taken more inside the spa. I could go even more further in, but then the visitors would probably start to complain :). But the bigger reason was that this is a thermal spa, so a lot of steam in the air, which is definitively not good for the camera gear.
Clear water Another one from the Gellért Spa in Budapest

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