Colorful windows

I spend the whole weekend shooting and editing panoramas :) But so I just don’t post another panorama I created this HDR, from a photo I took in the Matthias church in Budapest :)
Colorful windows

winterpanoIt was quite cold yesterday in Bratislava, but not snowing and almost no wind. So I just could not let it be, and went out to take some nice winter panorama shots. On the right you can see my panorama setup. The camera is actually on the other side of the cables, hanging over the bridge :)

And the daily photos is a 6 tile panorama, each tile from 4 shots (I took 6, but in the end I used only 4). The result was a 92Mpix image :) And so I can show you also all the amazing detail, a photo this big had, there is a new feature on this blog. Open the full post by clicking the title or “view full post” under the photo, to view a zoomable version of the photo :). I suggest switching to full-screen while viewing it (first button from right under the photo).
Winter Wonderland

Artist on the Bridge

During my last visit in Prague, I had nothing to shoot during the day. As the sun was strong and no clouds on the sky, it was not a great time to shoot landscape photos. So instead I took my 70-200mm lens and took photos of people on the Charles bridge. And as this is one of the more permanent performers there, I took a photo of him. Actually I posted a photo of him some long time ago, his really perfect for a B&W shot :)

No HDR today, single photo edited in Photoshop and Lightroom.
Artist on the Bridge

Blue clouds and the castle

Let’s continue with my manual blending attempts. Until now I have been only able to successfully blend blue hour shots. Don’t really know why :) But I hope it gets better with each blended photo.

I used 7 exposures here, all combined in Photoshop and then finalized in Photoshop and Lightroom.
Blue clouds and the castle

Blue hour in Vienna

This was taken during summer last year. It was a strange day to take photos in Vienna, as there was a football match between Austria and Germany (if I remember correctly) that day, and the city was full of people watching it on screens everywhere :)

After most of my recent photos were blended images, this is again a HDR. I’m continuing my experiments with blending, but as the results are not really share-worthy right now, I’m sharing normal HDR photos instead :)
Blue hour in Vienna

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