Contest reminder

Just a little reminder for all who would still like to join my little HDR editing contest. You still have 24 hours to submit your entry. All details can be found in this post.

The blue reflection

I hope the colors on this one look for you as nice as they look on my monitor :) I left this one darker, to have this night dark blue sky in it.

Photo taken at the Kuchajda lake in Bratislava, manual blend from 5 shots, mostly to darken light and brighten the middle part.
The blue reflection

The Charles bridge lights

The view from the Charles bridge tower is really nice, it’s just a little harder to place a tripod there, as the railings are quite massive. Haven’t yet tried the opposite view, from the other tower, but at least I have a place where I have to go next time :)

Manual blend from 5 shots, edited only in Photoshop
The Charles bridge lights

Midday shooting

It’s really not the best time to shoot, when the sun is high up and there are no clouds in the sky. But if that is the only time you are in a particular city, one tries to get the best shot possible.

Same when I was in Regensburg, Germany. I only had around 2-3 hours and it was just around 3-4pm. So really not the best time. Would loved to be there for sunset, but no such luck that time. If I did the same shot today, I would probably try to use the ND400 to blur the water completely and so create a nice reflection. Maybe next time :)

This photo is a manual blend of 6 shots. Edited only in Photoshop. I try to blend the images so, where the darkest parts are still the darkest, and the lightest are still the lightest in the final result. I think it gives the final photo a more natural look.
Midday shooting

A busy scene in Budapest

This is taken from one of those places, where I just return and return, but usually can’t get a nice photo from. The reason is simple. Right below what you see, are very strong lights, which lighten up a front part of a tunnel. And those light create just horrible flares and colors in photos. But still I decided to try and edit this one, an I think the result is not that bad :) Just looks a little to busy :)

In this shot, the Chain Bridge in Budapest. Manual blend from 6 shots, edited only in Photoshop.
A busy scene in Budapset

More from the basilica

And here is another photo :). Actually the blending part here was the most simple part of editing. I spend most of the editing tweaking the colors and the trying to correct the perspective. I was’t absolutely centered when taking this, so there was some distortion. But when I fixed it, I lost the head from the painting which is in the top center of the photo. So I had to go back and using warp in Photoshop I corrected only parts of the photo, so the painting is not affected :)

Photo taken in Stephans Basilica in Budapest. This is a manual blend from 5 exposure, edited only in Photoshop with a little help of Color Efex :)
More from the basilica

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