The waves really kept coming while I was standing there. And I really didn’t want any water on my gear. And as I had my normal shoes on, I didn’t want them to get wet either.

This is a manual blend from 5 shots, taken by the Forth Rail bridge near Edinburg. I used a 9 stop ND filter to blur the water.
Avoiding the water

Another photo from the same night as the one posted yesterday. Actually it’s the same bridge as in that shot. I was already on my way to the tram station, but had my tripod and camera still unpacked, so I stopped for one last shots

This is a manual blend from 5 shots.
Crossing the Manes bridge

I really liked the blurred ship in this one. I liked it so much, that I used parts from all the photos, so the ship is seen over a bigger area. I just manually blended them all together.

This is a manual blending from 5 shots. Taken in Prague.
Passing ship

And another one of the Forth Rail bridge. You think it’s big, but until you are standing there, you will never know how big it is. As I arrived and looked it, I was just stunned.

This photo is a manual blend from 5 shots.
Light by the Forth Rail bridge

As I revisited Charles bridge already so many times (you just can’t avoid it when you are in Prague), I decided to do panoramas this time. So all photo I took were panoramic shots. And this is one of them. I actually created two panoramas (took the left shot twice), so I can remove most of the people from the shot.

This is a manual blend from 15 shots, the panorama is created from two parts.
Cloudy sky over the Charles Bridge

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