And again my favorite photo subject, bridges. I could have spend here weeks, just taking photos. The Forth rail bridge is so massive and so stunning. The Forth road bridge is also very nice, but just not as majestic as the rail one. I will really have to revisit this place one day :)

This is a manual blend from 5 shots.
Forth Bridges

You never know what sunset you will get. Sometime you can guess based on the weather, how it will look like, bu it’s mostly all just luck. It was the same the day I took this photo. The weather was ugly so I decided on a close by spot, the Charles bridge tower. I expected nothing, but got a very nice sunset instead. It just shows you that it is worth going out to take photos, even if the weather is bad :)

This is a manual blend from 5 shots.
The beauty of a sunset

After being stopped twice that day in London by security guards I started looking more for signs that announced private property (I still don’t understand how a walkway in a city can be designated as private property). And as I walked around this passage, there was an open gate and a big sign announcing that you are entering private property, with few cameras pointed toward the entrance. So I put my tripod 1 cm in front of the sign, and took this shot. So I was still on public land :)

This is a manual blend from 5 shots, taken in London, UK.
Yellow Passage

Those of you who follow me on my personal Facebook profile or on my YouTube account probably noticed I have been posting salsa photos and videos the whole day. And I still be the whole weekend. So I’m crazy busy (and tired) with shooting at a Salsa Congress in Bratislava. But of course as each day, here is a new photo for you. Good thing that I have few prepared, so I have one for days when I don’t have the time to edit.

This is a manually blended panorama from 3 shots, each one from 5 exposures. If you want to see how I combine the shots into a panorama, check out this tutorial. Photo taken from the top of the Petrin tower in Prague.
Prague center

As I mentioned few times before, my trip to London was plague by ugly and bad weather (lets hope my next trip, to Paris, will be better :) ). But still I took some photos, as I will not be there so soon again. One thing I don’t like to do, is push the saturation on a photo. I try to get most of the color buy adjusting the white balance and contrast of a photo. Even if I did ad more saturation, I would feel that the photo is fake, because the scene didn’t looked like that to me. But as always there are exceptions, and this is one of them.

The photo I got here was completely grey, with only a little hint of color. I could probably go with B&W here and make a nice dramatic photo, but even if I like B&W photos, I don’t like creating them that much. Especially with landscape shots, I really miss the color. So I added saturation here, but steel trying to keep it subtle. I also used a 9 stop ND filter here, to blur the traffic and add a little more softness to the water.

I included the original OEV bracket after the brake, so you see what I mean :)

This is a manual blend from 5 shots, taken by the Westminster bridge in London.
Ugly weather in London

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