As usually when I’m in Prague, at least one day it has to be raining. But I tend to take my camera with me to the city, even if it raining. You never know. And it was same that evening. After about two hours of a quite heavy rain (which I spend in a pub with friends :)) I could go out and take some shots. The light is different after a rain. Some of the best sunsets can be seen right after it. This was a little later, so I got a more yellowish night shot, but I still like it.

This is a 2 shot panorama, each shot blended from 5 exposures, taken by the Manes Bridge in Prague.
After the rain in Prague

I wanted a horizontal photo with the Shard, but as it it so hard to fit it into a photo together with all the surrounding building, I ended up with a panorama. Too bad the weather was how it was, hopefully when I’m there next time, it’s better :)

This is two row panorama from 6 shots, each one blended from 5 exposures. Taken in the center of London.

Around the Shard

Camera collection

This probably happens to every photographer. Once you start taking more and more photos, you start to like all these beautiful old cameras more and more. Until now I only bought some, haven’t tried to take any photos with them. But as they are all functional, I think I will do that sooner or later :)
classic camers

Path around the Bojnice Castle

The photo of Bojnice castle I posted a week ago is currently the most popular of my photos. It’s not really a big surprise for me as the castle looks really like something from a fairy-tale. So here is another one. I only took 2 steps back, to get a completely different composition :)

I had to do two bracket series for this shot. The +2EV photo was just not enough to get any detail in the wall in the foreground. There were just no lights there. So in the end I took one classic series, with a low iso to get the bright areas and than a second series, where I changed the iso to 1600 and did a +0 to +4 series, to get detail in all the dark areas. And with this setup, the lights of a nearby road were enough to brighten the wall.

This is a manual blend from 7 shots, taken in Bojnice, Slovakia
Path around the Bojnice Castle

4000 Facebook fans

Today I reached another milestone on my Facebook page :) After slowly going up, the number of fans just broke the 4000 mark. Now of to the next milestone :)

Panorama from London

This is my favorite photo I took while I was in London. Despite the ugly weather, for a moment the light was right and I took the shots for this panorama. And as you probably noticed, it’s also the photo I currently use for the header of this blog :)

This is a three shots panorama, all shots blended from 5 exposures. Taken from the Tower Bridge in London.
Panorama from London

My favorite photography spots in Prague

One of the most popular parts of this blog is the Top 5 photography spots in Prague page. So if you are planing to visit Prague and need some tips, check it out.

Blue hour by the Charles Bridge

Blue hour is definitively my favorite time to shoot. Sunset is nice, but the contrast between the warm and cold colors you can get during the blue hour is very hard to beat. And I really like that contrast.

This is a manual blend from 5 photos, taken by the Charles bridge in Prague
Blue hour by the Charles Bridge

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