I just love this view. When I was planing my trip to Paris, the Tour Montparnasse and the Tour Eiffel were the only two spots I knew I have to visit. All others were optional

This is a manual blend from 5 shots. RAWs exported using Lightroom and blended in Photoshop. Taken from the Tour Montparnasse.

And I returned here each evening when I was in Paris, as my hotel was right next to it :). But as usually, this is the place I have the least photos from. It’s a funny thing, but taking photos of something that is close is always harder than taking photos of something far away. You just go by day after day, and each time you tell yourself, this is close, I can go here anytime. But in the end, you never find time for it. It was same with this photo. The only reason I was there to take it, is because it was raining in the city, and I was on my way to the hotel much earlier than I planed.

This is a manual blend from 5 shots, taken near La defense in Paris
Returning to La defense

The Art of the Chase

Probably same as all other photographers, I also love to see how other photographers take their photos. I quite frequently buy different videos and books from the ones I like, just to compare my workflow and to learn something new. So when I (quite randomly) came across this new Kickstarter project by Jason Hines, I immediately became a backer. I would really love to see more of his work and more of the backstage of it. If you haven’t seen any of his photos, just check out his page http://jasonhines.net/ and you will see how great they are. Here is the video of the project, where he describes the movie in more detail, really worth checking out.

View from the top

The view from the top of is just so stunning. We stood for about three hours on the same spot, just taking more and more photos. The view, with the combination of the beautiful, if a little rainy, sunset would just not let us go :)

This is a manual blend from 5 shots, taken from the top of the Eiffel tower. Big thanks to Beboy from Beboy Photographies for borrowing me the 14mm lens I took this with :)
View from the top

I quite have the luck for bad weather, whenever I go for a photo trip. Strange that before I started with photography, each trip was filled with great weather. Or maybe I just don’t remember correctly anymore :). But also in Paris, I had few days of rain and heavy clouds. But I still try to take photos also in those conditions, trying to make the best of it. I know I wont visit Paris again for some time, so I want to have as many photos as I can :)

I took this shot a little time before sunset. I was hoping for the sky to clear out a little (as it was quite windy) but instead I got heavy rain.

This is a manual blend from two shots, taken by the Notre Dame in Paris.
The moment before the storm

A little different view of the Eiffel tower, this time through one of the glass panels of the Wall of Peace (Le Mur pour la Paix). I don’t take credit for thinking of taking the photo like this, as I seen a similar shot by A.G. Photographe.

This is a single exposure, edited in Photoshop.
Shattered Tower

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