If you watched the timelapse experiment I posted two days ago, you already seen this photo. This is one of the frames I used in the timelapse, I just liked the reflection so much, that I also edited it separately :)

This is a single image, split into two in Lightroom and then blended together in Photoshop.
Single frame

I would so love to already have photos form Dubai. But since still two weeks until my trip, I have to still post from the photos I took mostly last year. But since I don’t take many photos now, as also the weather is not playing along that much, I have time to experiment with timelapses and recording videos and a lot of other things, which I hope you will see on this blog in the next weeks and months :)

This is a panorama from three shots, all of them from 5 exposures, created in PTGui and Photoshop.
Blue hour panorama

Recently I’ve been trying to learn more about time-lapse photography and one of course can’t do that without trying and experimenting with it. So today I went out to the Kuchajda lake, trying to capture a time-lapse of the sunset. And in this post you can see what I got.

It’s a little bit on the faster side, as I had no idea what interval to choose for the photos. But now I know better, and next time it will be slower :) Also I will probably reedit this anyway, as I’m not that happy with the quality I get when saving into a video. Again, I haven’t worked with many videos yet, so still a lot to learn.

I also suggest you view it at 1080p :)

Continuing with the Tuesday tradition, today I have for you another process post, showing how I edited a photos. Today I chosen a recent blue hour from Bratislava. The edits here make only small changes, as I quite liked the photo to begin with :). So lets start.

To get to this result:

Quiet blue hour

I started with this photo (this is a -2EV exposure, the 0EV was just too overexposed to be used as start)


I corrected the horizon and exported the -2EV and -1EV to Photoshop, as I knew that I didn’t need the other ones. I also created a -3EV exposure by underexposing the -2EV one and also loaded that into Photoshop. I then (layers numbered from bottom up):

1. -2EV exposures
2. The created -3EV exposure to darken the castle
3. -1EV exposure to brighten the water and foreground
4. Color Efex pro contrast to add more local contrast to the photo
5. A cleanup layers, as I had to remove few dust spots
6. Curves to darken the castle even more
7. Linear contrast for the whole image
8. Added more contrast to the Basic Midtones
9. Brightened the darkest areas of the photo
10. Color efex Detail extractor on the buildings to give them more detail
11. Color balance to remove the purple color cast on the photo
12. A little more contrast
13. Color balance to make the photo more warm

And that’s all :)


As cathedrals go, the Maribor Cathedral (Church of St John the Baptist) is one of the more simpler ones. So in this photo from there, I also vent with less editing, leaving it simple, realistic, to as much as possible what I seen there :)

This is a HDR created from 5 shots in Oloneo Photoengine, finished in Photoshop.
Maribor Cathedral

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