Behind the cameraI came across this wheel in Budapest quite randomly, as it’s usually not there, and it’s also quite hidden from the street level by all the surrounding buildings. Still, I really wanted to also go up, but just didn’t got to it. A two day visit is really very short. But still, I took few photos, even if the ground, but I think it would look much better from a high up spot. But there isn’t really one accessible in the area.

And since I took a behind the scenes photo while taking this one, I’m also including it here :)

This is a blend of three exposures, done in Photoshop.
Under the wheel

On the bridgeSo I got back from Budapest few hours ago and here I have a first photo from this trip for you. This is of course the Hungarian Parliament, captured during the blue hour. I did this photo from the Margaret bridge, and I really had problem with the bridge shaking very heavily, especially when a tram passed by. One would think that such a huge concrete structure would be more stable. But after a while of searching, I found a spot where the shaking was much acceptable, and you can see my setup on a photo on the right. You can also see, that I used 2.8 aperture, to just get as fast as an exposure as possible.

Btw. I have to say, each time I return to Budapest, it looks better and better. During the last months, they finished the area around the Parliament, which just looks so better now, the new metro line, which came very handy during my trip, the square in front of the train station, and much, much more. They really are on a roll now :)

This is a blend from 4 exposures, created only in Photoshop.
Blue & Yellow

Still busy, still not at home. So again, no new photo today, but how about instead, few of my favorite photos, with my favorite subject, bridges :)

Low Danube under the Apollo bridge
Lamp on the bridge
Sunrise at the bridge
Night colors
Light Bridge
The Forth Rail bridge

And we came to another Monday, and as every Monday, let’s take a look at the process of another photo. For today I chosen a photo taken late night, of the Burj Al Arab, with the Burj Khalifa tower in the back. So let’s start.

First, here is a look at the final and the original image. The biggest difference is the addition of much more detail and contrast. That’s what was really missing in the original exposure.

Notre Dame in the Rain
Notre Dame in the Rain

I used 4 exposures for this photo which I merged in Oloneo Photoengine. Looking back at them, I would probably got the same result just by editing the -1EV and then just blending the others as I did here, but that does not really madder. The process is not so important, and most things can be done in more than one way anyway.

So here you can see the original 4 exposures, corrected in Lightroom (chromatic abberations and lens distortions) and the result from Oloneo Photoengine (medium strength, a little contrast and natural mode)

Notre Dame in the Rain
Notre Dame in the Rain

From there I loaded everything into Photoshop and did the following edits (layers numbered from bottom up)
1. Oloneo Photoengine result
2. -1EV to correct the very strong lights on the buildings
3. -2EV a little more correction to the very strong light on top of the Burj Al Arab
4. +1EV to correct the top even more, as it looked strange after darkening
5. Color Efex Pro contrast, to get much more local and overall contrast in the photo.
6. -2EV once more, as the Color Efex Pro contrast created few very bright areas in the buildings.
7. Color Efex Tonal contrast, applied to the buildings in the background, to get more details and contrast in them
8+9. Added more overall contrast using curves. I could have done that only using one curves layer, but what I like to do, is to use the presets that curves have, as that gives me more even result. And when one is not enough, I just duplicate the layer.
Burj Al Arab

And that’s all I did with this image. To find out more on how I edit, check out the guides and before after categories on this blog, or check out my video tutorial series here:

Little short on time today, so no new photo. I’m currently on my way to Budapest for few day, for a little photo-shooting, but will get back to normal posting soon :)

So for today, how about a look back at one of my videos on how to take multiple brackets with a camera.

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