As I mentioned, I continually keep updating the page, and this time it was time to update the My Gear section (as it haven’t been updated for at least a year :)). So I finally added all the new toys I accumulated in the last year, and also added few thoughts to every single one.

So if you are curious what I use, head over to the My gear page. And here is a behind the scenes shot, taken some time ago at one of the photo-shoots.
My Camera

Master exposure blending – raffle

Just a reminder, that you can still join my raffle, where I’m giving away two copies of my Master Exposure blending video tutorial. You can join the raffle here.

Notre Dame in the rain

I spend another day just tweaking the blog and adding content to it. So if you notice some new pages here and there, that’s normal :) But still there is so much more I want to change and add.  A blog is like a living thing. It has to evolve and maybe even mutate. It’s never finished. But I’m very glad that more and more people visit the blog, even if it’s currently less than it was in winter. But I noticed that every year. Probably during the cold months, people spend more time at a computer, probably :)

But to the photo I’m sharing today. It’s one from my last years trip to Paris, taken during a very rainy evening by the Notre Dame. It’s a HDR created from 5 exposures in Oloneo Photoengine, and then blended with original photos in Photoshop.
Notre Dame in the rain

Same as by Paris, I would call this more a list of nice locations, and a real Top spots list will require more visits to London (hopefully soon :) ). So for now, here is a temporary list.

To see all my photos from London, look into the London Category
Don’t forget to check out other available lists:

Tower bridge

Of course this was my first destination, and probably is for most people. Taking photos on the bridge is great, just in the area around the bridge, don’t be surprise if you get stopped by security guards. I was twice in a mater of minutes :) I would really suggest having a small tabletop tripod and a clamp as a backup, just so you can get the shots you want.

Passing red buses
Colorful Tower Bridge

City hall area

This area is really close to the Tower bridge, and also give a great view of it. Again there is a big chance that you may be stopped by security guards (if you use a tripod) in this area, but that haven’t happened to me. Again a tabletop tripod could be real help in this area.

London City hall
In the Matrix

Westminster bridge

Surprisingly no security guards here, and a really nice view of the bridge and from the bridge. Also great spot for early morning, if you want to get a passing buss in from of the Westminster palace.

Big Ben
Morning bus

London Eye

Another spot where you should be prepared for security guards or police to stop you (that is a recurring theme in London, btw.). Still the view of the London Eye is great and the lights on the nearby trees are there all the time.

The London Eye
The London Eye in the morning

Leadenhall Market

As all the other spots are outdoor, I’m including one that is indoor. The market is only partially indoor, but the architecture is just stunning and looks wonderful. It’s a little harder to find in the middle of a very modern area, but really worth it.

Leadenhall Market In London

There are of course many more (Canary wharf, Piccadilly circus, Westminster cathedral….), and I hope to update this list again
Other available lists:

This is such a beautiful bridge. It lacks the simplicity of the modern bridges, or the decorations of the classic ones, but it displays this RAW strength. I remember when we were approaching it, and it just popped out from behind a hill. For me, as a big fan of bridges in general, this was a wonderfull moment :). Of course the day I was there, the weather was horrible, and I froze my ass off. But that just means, I have to go back :)

This is a HDR from 5 exposures, created in OLONEO Photoengine, finished in Photoshop. I used a 10stop ND filter for this photo.
At the Forth rail bridge

I haven’t done a raffle on the blog in a long time, so how about one :) I’m giving away two copies of my video tutorial series Master exposure blending, and to have a chance to win you just have to fulfill any or all the conditions in the Rafflecopter widget (the more you do, the more entries you have). You just have to be a fan of HDRshooter on Facebook, follow @hdrshooter on twitter or tweet about the raffle.

The winners will be selected randomly in a week, and will receive a 100% discount code for the tutorial videos. Good luck :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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