Yesterday I posted a photo from a very sunny day, so how about today a shot from a very cloudy day :) This one is from Budapest and I’m actually stopping this week there, as on the 20th it’s again the St. Stephens day, and there will again be huge fireworks above the city. So of course, great opportunity to get some nice photos :) If all goes well, you should see them by the end of next week.

This is a HDR from 3 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine. The photo was taken through a Hoay ND 400 filter.
Cloudy shot from Budapest

Social networks

Which one is your preferred social network? I noticed that each time I add a new one, I drop one. There is only so much time I’m prepared to spend on posting stuff. That’s why I almost completely dropped G+ recently, when I added Instagram. So right now I post regularly to Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and Tumblr (but Tumblr is automated and connected to my Flickr account). I also do 500px, but not on such a regular basis. And I just feel that’s enough. What do you think?

Very blue sky

I usually don’t use the polarizing filter at all, but in Dubai, with the crazy blue sky, it was a must. And it really helped. But still there is something I don’t like about daytime shots. Maybe I just need to get used to them, as I much prefer sunrise/sunset and blue hour shots :)

This is a HDR from 3 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine, finished in Photoshop.
Very blue sky

I was thinking what to include in the blog post today, and in the end I thought that I will create a small video tutorial, for something I do very often in my editing. So here it is. In this video, I will show you have I use luminance selection and curves, to brighten and darken parts of the photo, without loosing the overall contrast.

You can also download the PSD of the final file that you can see in the video from Dropbox here.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and don’t forget to switch the video to 720p :)

For more videos from me, check out my Video tutorial series Master exposure blending here:

Perfect Effects

Free copy of Perfect Effects 8

For those who missed this last time, you can again get a copy of OnOne Perfect Effect 8 completely for free. Just head over to their page and get it now :)

Perfect Effect is a huge collection of filters, than you can apply to your photo, to make your work and editing easier. And since it’s free, so why not give it a try?

Above the city

If I lived in Dubai, I would probably go up to the Burj Khalifa very often. There is just something about being so high above a city, that I really like. I actually though about doing a helicopter tour while in Dubai, but let it be this time. But will definitively have to try it next time (and there will be a next time :))

This is a HDR from 3 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine, finished in Photoshop.
Above the city

Behind the scenesI know I posted a photo of the BMW just few days ago, but I was playing more with the photos, and finished editing another one, so why not post it also :) And here you can see why I chosen this location. The repetition and vanishing point in the background is just great, even if I left it out of focus.

Still will have to practice more with more cars until I will really be satisfied with my car photos, but as this is not my main subject, this will take a long time. I’m also again including a behind the scenes photo, this time one where I’m also in the shot :)

This is a HDR from 5 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine, finished in Photoshop.
One more with the BMW E46 COUPE

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