When I was writing the 11 tips for Lightroom, I also thought to include how one works with 32-bit files in Lightroom. But as this is a little bigger subject, in the end I decided to give it a separate blog post. So here it is.

Lightroom is a great photo editing too, and since few versions ago, it can also edit 32-bit tiff files. If you remember my What is HDR post, 32-bit files can contain a huge dynamic range, so being able to edit them directly can create some very nice results.

Of course, same as with all the different ways of editing, it’s not perfect, and does not work well for every photo. But it’s an interesting technique and I suggest you give it a try.

So how to do it?

1. Merge the files in Photoshop

Yes, you still need Photoshop (or Photomatix Pro or other program that can create 32-bit files), as Lightroom can edit 32-bit files, but can’t create them. So first, once you select the files you want to merge, I would suggest correcting chromatic aberrations and lens distortions. You can do this also alter, but the results are not so good.

HDR in LightroomChoose merge to HDR Pro
HDR in LightroomMerge to HDR dialog

After that, select all the brackets, right click on one and choose Merge to HDR in Photoshop. Once you do this, all the files will be exported into Photoshop and the Merge to HDR dialog will open. Here you will probably see the 16-bit version, but that’s not what we need. Change to the 32-bit mode and just confirm (in the case you need to remove ghosting, choose also that option).

HDR in Lightroom32-bit file in Photoshop
HDR in LightroomSave as 32-bit

The file will be opened in Photoshop in 32-bit mode, and can be saved as a 32-bit tiff file from there.

2. Merge the files in Photomatix Pro

Another option to create a 32-bit tiff file, is to use Photomatix Pro. Just exporet the files you want to merge from Lightroom, or use RAW, and open them in Photomatix. What you need to do, is check the Show 32-bit image and choose merge. In few seconds, you will see the 32-bit file, which you can save as 32-bit tiff.

HDR in LightroomMerge in Photomatix
HDR in LightroomSave as 32-bit tiff

You can also find a Lightroom plugin from Photomatix, that does this step directly and you never have to leave Lightroom. You can find it here: Merge to 32-bit Plugin

3. Edit the 32-bit file in Lightroom

Once you have the 32-bit tiff file, you can import it back into Lightroom. You will see that nothing changes in the interface, and you can edit it as any other photo. The only change that is there, is that the Exposure slider goes from -10 to +10 instead of -5 to +5.

HDR in LightroomNegative exposure
HDR in LightroomPositive exposure

You will notice, that you can go really to extremes with all the sliders, and still you get a lot of detail and very little noise. That’s because, where Lightroom normally tries to works with information, that is not in a photo. But with the 32-bit file, there is just much more of it there.

HDR in Lightroom32-bit tiff file, with no edits
HDR in LightroomAfter few edits (but could be better :))

So from here you can use any of the tools available in Lightroom, to get the result you want. But before you start, I suggest playing a little with the Exposure, and find a good start in that huge dynamic range. For some photos it can happen, that you will start with a completely dark or white photo, so just move the slider up/down until it’s ok.

Since Ello (ello.co) is picking up steam and more and more great photographers are joining, I thought I put together this list of photographers that are already there, so you can find them easily. The list is in alphabetic order, and I will be adding more as I find them. If you are a photographer on Ello, feel free to leave a comment or message me (miroslav.petrasko@hdrshooter.com), that I should add you to the list :).


  • If you notice a bad link, please let me know.
  • When asking, leave a link to your account.
  • Please add at least a profile picture, cover photo and one post before asking to join the list. I don’t want to send people to empty pages :)
  • I’m offering to include every photographer that asks. I’m not doing any judgment about the quality of photos, as I think that that is very subjective, and photos I don’t like, many other people like very much. But I’m sure, that everyone from you will find many photographers here, that suit your style.
  • The photographers under the NSFW category include artistic nudity in their photos. Please take that into account before visiting their profiles.

Btw. before I get to the list, there is also a second list, a list of Models on Ello. It was compiled by @glenvision. But please note, a lot of the accounts are NSFW. (please for requests to be added there, contact directly glenvision)

And of course, you can find me under @miroslavpetrasko , feel free to add me if you want :)

Time for a clean up. So if in the next few days you see people disappearing from the list, that OK. I will try to remove all deleted and inactive accounts (no posts in over two months), to feature more people who really use the service. Wish me good nerves, as it really a lot of accounts to visit :)

So here goes:

Please share the list :)


Active users:

  1. Amy Kurutz – @amywaves
  2. Anthony Owen-Jones – @anthonyoj
  3. Bastian Hoppe – @bastianhoppe
  4. Brian Day – @brianday
  5. Carla DLM – @carladlm
  6. Chris Valle – @thechrisvalle
  7. Christian VanAntwerpen – @cvan1978
  8. Cyril Wermers – @enschedeaanzee
  9. Daniel Ruffles – @danrufflesphoto
  10. Danilo Pellegrinelli – @electro_sound
  11. Deborah Sandidge – @debsandidge
  12. Dominique Dubied – @dominiquedubied
  13. Ed Step – @edstep
  14. G Dan Mitchell – @gdanmitchell
  15. Haakon Dagestad – @haakondagestad
  16. Hamish Niven – @hamishniven
  17. Ibán Ramón – @ibanramon
  18. Jack Hynes – @jackhynes
  19. Jens Klettenheimer – @schieflicht
  20. Jill McMahon – @jillmcmahon
  21. Jim Sincock – @interrobangart
  22. John Magaña – @johnmagana
  23. Jordan Oram – @maplemusketeer
  24. Jonathon Reed – @jonathonreed
  25. Jørund Føreland Pedersen – @joerund
  26. Konrad Dwojak – @konradphoto
  27. Lisa Bruins – @lisabruins
  28. Luis Duarte – @luismaduarte
  1. Marsha Leigh – @marshaleigh
  2. Matthew Davidson – @megalithicmatt
  3. Morkel Erasmus – @morkelerasmus
  4. Nikolas Adam Manaios – @manaios
  5. Pierre Chaton – @vandrende
  6. Richard Von Lenzano – @richard-von-lenzano
  7. Robert Born – @robertborn
  8. Roman Tripler – @romantripler
  9. Simon Hughes – @simonhughes
  10. Stan Showalter – @stanshowalter
  11. Steven Noreyko – @okyeron
  12. Steven Santamour – @SteveSFoto
  13. Susanne Kreuschmer – @lilylikesuse
  14. Svein Nordrum – @sveinnordrum
  15. Tina Kino – @tinakino
  16. Ulla Wolk – @ullawolk


Accounts that will be checked


Photographers added 14/10/2014:

  1. Anthony Stevens – @anthonystevens
  2. Ash Nazari – @ashnazari
  3. Bruce Couch – @bodiegroup
  4. Coin Utz – @colinutz
  5. D. Wolf – @ladflowphoto
  6. Diana Pappas – @diana
  7. Eric Traub – @erictraub
  8. Jens-Christof Niemeyer – @jcn
  9. Jeremiah Christopher – @jeremiahc
  10. Jessica Penny – @jessicapenny
  11. Joel Horwath – @joelhorwath
  12. Johnny Stork – @johnnystork
  13. Josh Lowman – @jolo
  14. Kate Pace – @7Social
  1. Lauri Novak – @laurinovakphotography
  2. Maggie Houtz – @softlylit
  3. Martin Heller – @mrrtin
  4. Michaël T – @momentanes
  5. Moon Beast – @moonbeast
  6. Patrick Barber – @pdjbarber
  7. Paul – DigitalWorldOfPaul – @digitalworldofpaul
  8. Paula Thomas – @gapey
  9. Sam Smith – @doc
  10. Sarah Martinet – @sarah-martinet
  11. Scott O. Smith – @scottosmith
  12. Simon Mikkelsen – @smik
  13. Steven Kjeld Christensen – @copenhagenphoto
  14. Tony Eveling – @spinningwheels
  15. Valerie J. Cochran – @yourwaitress
  16. Wayne Humphrey – @simply-landscapes


Photographers added 8/10/2014:

  1. Darek Markiewicz – @darekm101
  2. Daniel Schwabe – @dschwabe
  3. Denny Weinmann – @dennyweinmann
  4. Erik Stensland – @erikstensland
  5. Hesh Hipp – @heshphoto
  6. James Smith –@tall_james
  7. Jessie Swimeley – @jessie5
  8. Jonathan Nafarrete – @Jonathan360
  9. Lars Tofte – @ls-l
  1. Lisa Dutton – @retrofocus
  2. Lucai Johnson – @lucai
  3. Rob Meyers – @photomeyers
  4. Sandy Vetter – @smv6677
  5. Scissa Bob – @scissabob
  6. Scott Dakota – @scottdakota
  7. T.J. Macke – @tjmacke
  8. Tom Bland – @tom


Photographers added 6/10/2014:

  1. Ale Dodge – @aledodge
  2. Allie Miller – @alliemiller
  3. Austin James – @insult
  4. Bob Harbison – @bobh
  5. Cameron Stephen – @artpunk
  6. Christoph Klinger – @christoph_klinger
  7. Darmon Richter – @darmon
  8. Darryl Hunt – @darryl-hunt
  9. Eric Raeber – @ericraeber
  10. Erik Smits – @eriksmits
  11. Gaz Mather – @gazmather
  12. George Krieger – @georgekrieger
  13. Girish Veetil – @girishveetil
  14. Gisele Duprez – @Giseleduprez
  15. Glen Berry – @glenvision
  16. Jamez Frondeskias – @jamezfrondeskias
  17. James Harkness – @jamesharkness
  18. Jan McCartney – @janmccartney
  1. Joe Brusky – @lightbrigading
  2. John Matthews – @johnmatthews
  3. Jonas Hafner – @aufzehengehen
  4. Jorunn Sjofn – @jorunnsjofn
  5. Karen Brodie – @karenbrodie
  6. Kurt Harvey – @khphotos
  7. Michael Huber – @mhuber
  8. Martin J. Krisch – @ichbinmartin
  9. Michael Muraz – @michaelmuraz
  10. Nicklas Westberg – @nicklaswestberg
  11. Pascale Chenier – @squalie
  12. Sabine Fischer – @sabinefischer
  13. Simos Xenakis – @simosxenakis
  14. Stefan Neuweger – @sneuweger
  15. Steven Packard – @etienne
  16. Thang LV – @thanglv


Photographers added 5/10/2014:

  1. Andy Gray – @andrewsgray
  2. Anja Mackenbach – @anjamackenbach
  3. Bastian Staude – @streetwrk
  4. Ciam Sawyer – @ciams
  5. Dan Cybulskie – @dcybulskie
  6. Gary Sauer-Thompson – @thoughtfactory
  7. Jaycee Crawford – @jayceecrawford 
  8. John Fujimagari – @jfuji
  9. Jorge Gomez – @jorgegomez
  10. Hillary Fox – @hillaryfox
  11. Keith Williams – @sincity
  12. Kristen Joy – @kristenjoyphoto
  13. Laura Harding – @laurakh2014
  14. Luke Austin – @ukeaustinphotography
  15. Marc Lamey – @marclamey
  1. Matthias Hauser – @hauserfoto
  2. Mike Dillon – @anywheresf
  3. Morten Skoglund – @skoglundfoto
  4. Nicola Davison Reed – @ndr
  5. Nils Ribi – @nilsribi
  6. Patrycja Polechonska – @ppolecho
  7. Philip Gunkel – @phigun
  8. Ricardo Porto – @portostreetshooting
  9. Ryan Prawiradjaja – @ryanintransit
  10. Seven Thirteen – @sevn
  11. Sindre Carolin – @sindrolin
  12. Sylvain Garcia – @sylvaingarcia
  13. Takahiro Yamamoto – @tokyophotoinspirations
  14. Tim McGlynn – @timmcglynn
  15. Todd Sipes – @toddsipes


Photographers added 4/10/2014:

  1. Andy Feliciotti – @sup
  2. Angela Doss – @x-files
  3. Ben Roffelsen – @benroffelsen
  4. David Seibold – @davidseibold
  5. Dominic Remane – @dominicr
  6. Gordon Chiam – @gordonchiam
  7. I. Sundseth – @kappuru
  8. Jamal Williams – @jamalwilliams
  9. Jenness Asby – @dory
  10. Jose Luis – @joseluissc
  11. Jürgen Bürgin – @juergenbuergin
  12. Karen Hutton – @karenhutton
  13. Kirsten Bowers – @wolfshadowphotography
  14. Larry Nienkark – @larrynienkark
  15. Leslie Taylor – @lestaylorphoto
  16. Lucy Alice – @lucyalicephotog
  17. Marco Larousse – @hamburgcam
  18. Mark Swindells – @markswindells
  1. Meg Rousher – @megrousher
  2. Michael Galassi – @michaelgalassi
  3. Mike Kline – @notkalvin
  4. Nicola Cocco – @nclcocco
  5. Niguel Valley – @niguelvalley
  6. Paul Koester – @paulkoester
  7. Peter Carroll – @petercarroll
  8. Reba Baskett – @rebabaskett
  9. Shari Seibold – @sseibold
  10. Stig Nygaard – @stignygaard
  11. Shawn Brezny – @filmtog
  12. Sunny Eloise – @sunnyeloise
  13. Sonali Dalal – @sonali7074
  14. Spyros Papaspyropoulos – @spyridon
  15. Sunny Eloise – @sunnyeloise
  16. Tammy Lee Bradley – @tammyleebradley
  17. Terry Fabre – @terryfabre
  18. Tom Striewisch – @tom-striewisch
  19. Wolfgang Blachnik – @wobl


Photographers added 3/10/2014:

  1. Adam Dreessen – @adamdreessen
  2. Alan Bland – @alanbland
  3. Andrew Gram – @andrewgram
  4. Andy Bitterer – @bitterer
  5. Andy Burke – @andyburke
  6. Andy Lee – @andyleeuk
  7. Anthony Keith Valley – @akvalley
  8. Baber Afzal – @baberafzal
  9. Beth Akerman – @akermansart
  10. Brett William – @rangerfinder
  11. Brian Spencer – @brianspencer
  12. Buck Christensen – @buckchristensen
  13. Cat Burton – @catburton
  14. Chris Cameron – @chriscameron
  15. Cindy Flood – @cindyflood
  16. Constantin Simionica – @constantins
  17. Dajana Winkel –@dkwin
  18. Dalibor Pačić – @daliborpacic
  19. Daniel Treadwell – @djtidau
  20. Dirk Heindoerfer – @photodirk
  21. Ed Buziak – @edbuzz
  22. Eduardo Colòn – @eduardocolon
  23. Eric Girouard – @heliomedia
  24. Fraser Smith – @frassmith
  25. Frederick Sommer – @s2art
  26. Genia Larionova – @genialar
  27. Holger Feroudj – @holgerferoudj
  28. Ian Riddler – @ianriddler
  29. J.R. Clubb – @jrclubb
  30. Jeff Smith – @jeffesmith
  31. Jeremy Hall – @jeremyhall
  32. John Mazzei – @jmazzei
  33. Kathleen Kent – @kathleenkent
  34. Ken Clunk – @kenclunk
  35. Lucy Lambriex – @ziebinnenzijde
  1. Mabry Campbell – @mabrycampbell
  2. Mamo Delpero – @mamo
  3. Marilyn Benham – @marilynlouisebenham
  4. Mark Essner –@frommyeye
  5. Matthew Cicanese – @boyoftheforest
  6. Michal Fanta – @michalfanta
  7. Michael J Berlin – @michaeljberlin
  8. Michael Hartrick – @michaelhartrick
  9. Michael Huang – @michaelhuang
  10. Michael McGimpsey – @mcgimpseymike
  11. Neil Kramer – @neilochka
  12. Norbert Woehnl – @nwoehnlphoto
  13. Omar AlQabandi – @plusomar
  14. Paul Pichugin – @paulmp
  15. Peter Gerritsen – @peter-g
  16. Richard Wong – @rwongphoto
  17. Ron Clifford – @ronclifford
  18. Sam Koerbel – @skoerb
  19. Sandra Littell – @sandralittell
  20. Sascha Niethammer – @saschaniethammer
  21. Satu-Marja Salmi – @satumarjasalmi
  22. Sean Lancaster – @profsean
  23. Shawn Brezny – @filmtog
  24. Sherrie von Sternberg – @inthespringof63
  25. Stanley Klasz – @stanklasz
  26. Terence Leezy – @terenceleezy
  27. TerryGardner – @terrygardner
  28. Tobias Anderberg – @tobiasanderberg
  29. Tobias Knoch – @tobiasknoch
  30. Tuerta – @tuerta
  31. Ugo Cei – @ugocei
  32. Viktor Elizarov – @viktorelizarov
  33. Vladimir Zaytsev – @vofka
  34. Wojciech Toman – @wojciechtoman
  35. Yasmin Simpson – @yasminsimpson
  36. Zsolt Kiss – @zsoltkiss


Photographers added 2/10/2014:

  1. Adrian Rodriguez – @arodphoto
  2. Ambra Vernuccio – @ambravernuccio
  3. Anna Nguyen – @zeeanna
  4. Arpan Das – @dasarpan007
  5. Bernd Schaefers – @berndschaefers
  6. Carolyn Lagattuta – @catklein
  7. Casey McCallister – @caseymac
  8. Chris Valle – @thechrisvalle
  9. Cora Triton – @coratriton
  10. DeShaun Craddock – @deshaunicus
  11. Diana Boyd – @dboyd
  12. Dietmar Rogacki – @dietmarrogacki
  13. Eleni Messini – @elenitza
  14. Emmy Zettergren – @emmyzettergren
  15. Eric Rousset – @eric_rousset
  16. Erik Howard – @erikhoward
  17. Erik Kuhlmann – @sjpunx
  18. Erwann Serrano – @rano
  19. Freaktography – @freaktography
  20. Gayla Worrell – @gayla
  21. Greg Pierson – @gregpierson
  22. Guillaume Vassord – @guillaume-vassord
  23. Guenther Zettl – @guentherzettl
  24. Hope O’Hara – @hopeohara
  25. Jake McCuskey – @jakemccluskeyphotography
  26. Jan Kabili – @jankabili
  27. Jaycee Crawford – @jayceecrawford
  28. Jeremy Cowart – @jeremycowart
  29. Jasbir S. Randhawa – @jasbirsrandhawa
  30. Jason Jakober – @jrj-photo
  31. João Almeida – @joaoalmeida
  32. Joe Meirose – @joemeirose
  33. John King – @johnking
  1. Jon Brown – @jonbrownphoto
  2. Jordana Wright – @jordanawright
  3. Kelly Lynn R. – @kellylr
  4. Kerry Murphy – @kerrymurphy
  5. Klaus Herrmann – @klausherrmann
  6. Lili Ana – @shinebyliliana
  7. Lotus Carroll – @lotuscarroll
  8. Marcus Gatzke – @iso_500
  9. Mark Lees – @marklees
  10. Markus Pfeffer – @markuspfeffer
  11. Melody Migas – @melodymigas
  12. Michael Bolognesi – @teidemike
  13. Michael B. Stuart – @mbstuart
  14. Nico Trinkhaus – @nicotrinkhaus
  15. Nicole S. Young – @nicolesy
  16. Noah J. Katz – @noahjkatz
  17. Paul R. Giunta – @prg
  18. Patrick M. Kelly – @pmkelly
  19. Rui Bandeira – @ruibandeira
  20. Ryan Katsanes – @rak
  21. Scott Wyden Kivowitz – @scottwyden
  22. Shawn Kinney – @shawnkinney
  23. Shirley Lo @shirleylo
  24. Siddharth Pandit – @sddhrthpndt
  25. Stephen DesRoches – @stephendesroches
  26. Suzi Harr – @suziharr
  27. Tanya Hickey – @tanyahickey
  28. Thomas Kast – @thomaskast
  29. Todd Benore – @toddbenore
  30. Ulla Jensen – @ullajensenphotography
  31. Yuga Kurita – @yugakurita
  32. Yvette van Teeffelen – @yvettevanteeffelen


Photographers added until 1/10/2014:

  1. Aaron Reed – @aaronreedphotography
  2. Alex Koloskov – @alexkoloskov
  3. Alexandre Ehrhard – @alexandreehrhard
  4. Andrew Win – @georgecostanza
  5. Andy Williams – @awilliams
  6. Bas van der Poel – @maestrophotography
  7. Bernd Schaefers –@berndschaefers
  8. Bjørn-Erik Thorud – @bjornthorud
  9. Bondari Silviu – @bondari_silviu_photography
  10. Brian Matiash – @brianmatiash
  11. C. J. Schmit – @cjschmit 
  12. Carey St.Hilaire – @careysthilaire
  13. Charlie Joe – @charliejoe
  14. Colby Brown – @colbybrown
  15. Corbin Elliott – @Corbinse
  16. Christian Hoiberg – @choiberg
  17. Christian Richter – @christianrichter
  18. Christine Hauber – @hauberphoto
  19. Dave Brosha – @davebrosha
  20. Dave Wilson – @dawilson
  21. David Fielding – @davidfielding
  22. David J. Crewe – @davidjcrewe
  23. Dawid Martynowski – @dawidmartynowski
  24. Dima Barsky – @dimabarsky
  25. Dragos Ioneanu – @dragos_ioneanu
  26. Elia Locardi – @elialocardi
  27. Eric Cheng – @echeng
  28. Fefo Bouvier – @fefobouvier
  29. Felix Inden – @felixinden
  30. Gordon Laing – @gordonlaing
  31. Gretchen Chappelle – @gretchenchappelle
  32. Helen Sotiriadis – @helensotiriadis
  33. Henrik Lundholm Andersen – @h-l-andersen
  34. Ilex Jay – @ilexj
  35. James Brandon – @jamesbrandon
  36. Jay Patel – @jaypatel
  37. Jim Nix – @jimnix
  38. Jim Patterson – @jimpatterson
  39. Jeremy Chan – @jeremychanjeza
  40. Jeremy Thies – @jeremythies
  41. Jessica Hendelman – @jesshendelman
  42. Joe Azure – @jazure
  43. Joe Ercoli – @joercoli
  44. Juan Gonzalez – @juangonzalez
  45. Kelly DeLay – @kellydelay
  46. Ken Wah – @kenwah
  47. Kev Jaffray – @kevjaffray
  48. Kilian Schönberger – @kilianschoenberger
  49. Kristen Tyler – @ktylerphoto
  50. Laurie Rubin – @laurierubin
  51. Lisa Donchak – @lisadonchak
  52. Lorenzo Montezemolo – @elmo
  1. Manuel Martini – @manuelmartini
  2. Marcel de Groot – @photo-marcel
  3. Marco Marzillier – @l33t
  4. Marek Kijevský – @marekkijevsky
  5. Maryanne Wirkkanen – @mwirkkanen
  6. Martin Vogt – @martinvogt
  7. Mason Marsh – @masonmarsh
  8. Matt Suess – @mattsuess
  9. Matthias Haeussler – @maeddes
  10. Michael Bonocore – @michaelbonocore
  11. Michael Murphy – @murphyz
  12. Michiel Buijse – @michielbuijse
  13. Michael Shainblum – @shainblum
  14. Mike Orso – @mikeorso
  15. Mike F Shaw – @mikefshaw
  16. Naomi Locardi – @naomilocardi
  17. Nicholas Pappagallo Jr – @npappagallo
  18. P. J. Ammidon – @ammidon
  19. Pedro Kin – @pedrokin
  20. Peyton Hale – @peytonhale
  21. Rachel Cohen – @rachelcohenphotography
  22. Rafael Bautista – @pixamundo
  23. Rafael Makiela – @rafalmakiela
  24. Ray Still – @raystill
  25. Robert Dietrich – @robdietrich
  26. Robin Griggs Wood – @robingriggswood
  27. Rohit Surya – @rohitsurya
  28. Ronny Årbekk – @ronnyaa
  29. Ryan Dyar – @ryandyar
  30. Ryan J. Zeigler – @ryanjz
  31. Rilind Hoxha – @rilindh
  32. Scott Frederick – @scottfrederick
  33. Shane Holsclaw – @shaneholsclaw
  34. Steve Nilsen – @stevenilsen
  35. Steve Walser – @bassman706
  36. Stian Klo – @stianklo
  37. Sumit Sen – @sumitsen
  38. Suzanne Haggerty – @suzannehaggerty
  39. Tessa Kit Zawadzki – @tessakit
  40. Thierry Dulau – @thierrydulau
  41. Thomas Hawk – @thomashawk
  42. Thomas O’Brien – @tmophoto
  43. Toby Harriman – @tobyharriman
  44. Travis W Keyes – @keyes
  45. Trey Ratcliff – @treyratcliff
  46. Trond Lindholm – @trondlindholm
  47. Tyson Jerry – @tysonjerry
  48. Varina Patel – @varinapatel
  49. Victor Bezrukov – @victorbezrukov
  50. Vivienne Gucwa – @travelinglens
  51. Wasim Muklashy – @wasimofnazareth
  52. Zsolt Zsigmond – @zsoltzsigmond



  1. Allie Brown – @alliebrownphotography
  2. Andreas Reh – @andreasreh
  3. Brooks Ayola – @bayola
  4. Bruce Walker – @brucewalker
  5. Candy Coughlin – @candyshoppe
  6. Carlos David – @carlosdavid
  7. Cem Edisboylu – @ungemuetlich
  8. Cory McBurnett – @corymc
  9. D Brian Nelson – @dbriannelson
  10. Dave Levingston – @davel51
  11. Dave Rudin – @daverudin
  12. Felipe Gomez – @felipegomez
  13. George P. – @georgecpop
  14. Graham Guy – @grahamguy
  15. James Landon Johnson – @pixelsrzen
  16. Joe Hoddinott – @phojoegraphy
  17. Keith Allen Phillips – @luckyb
  18. Kenny Martin – @kenny_martin
  19. Mailler – @maillerphong
  1. Malixe Photo – @malixe
  2. Marc Bee – @marcbee
  3. Marius Budu – @mariusbudu
  4. Matthieu Soudet – @matthieusoudet
  5. Max Eremine – @maxeremine
  6. Melanie Brothers – @slimanomaly
  7. Nicole – @nicolophobia
  8. Nina Covington – @ninacovington
  9. Payam Emrani – @fameinacan
  10. R. Michael Walker – @rmwpro
  11. Ravens Laughter – @ravens_laughter
  12. Richard Burton – @studiof9
  13. Rob Howlett – @robhowlett
  14. Rui Rodrigues – @ruii
  15. Rüdiger Beckmann – @pixelwelten
  16. SubQulture Studio – @subqulturestudio
  17. Suzanne Krizanek – @krizanekphotography
  18. Terrance Smalls – @tsmalls
  19. Thom Peters – @pixelperfectphotog
  20. Trevor Brown – @trevor_brown_artist
  21. Trond Kjetil Holst – @trondkj
  22. VoxEfx – @voxefx
  23. Wolf189 the Photographer – @wolf189
  24. Yoram Roth – @yoramroth

Will continue to update regularly as I get more :)

Please share the list :)


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