I haven’t gotten at all to the Christmas market this year, but at least I have some photos from the last one :)
Christmas market in Bratislava

This is probably my most favorite interior shot I ever did. The opera just looked so majestic, and the view form teh stage was so new for me.
On the opera stage

I hope you are all having a nice Christmas day and enjoining the time with your family. And for this photo, it’s one of the Christmas tree in Presov :)
Christmas tree in Presov

And an interior for a change. This is the crazy staircase inside the Prague Town hall tower. There is actually an elevator running in the middle of this spiral, but I never use it. Always when I’m there, I take the stairs, so I can get some new photos :)
Don't fall down

Of course one does not only take photos of the sunset :) There are of course also sunrises. This one was at Danube in Budapest.
Early in the morning

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