The weather this year is just horrible. No snow at all, only mud and fog. All the time. I don’t remember when last time I took no photos during christmas, but this yeare there are none. So here is another from my older shots for you, one from the city Presov.

So not everything is just from Slovakia, here is a Christmas tree I found in Vienna one year :)

I hope you all are having a nice holidays, and here for you, another Christmas tree photo. This one was taken in the city Bardejov.

And more for the Christmas theme, this time from the decorations at the Eurovea shopping center in Bratislava.

As I mentioned yesterday, another repost today, but this time quite an old one :) This shot was tanken in Presov 4 years ago, still with my trusty Canon EOS 450D (which btw. still works, as right before I stooped using it, the shutter broke, and I had it replaced :))

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