So you don’t get bored with Amsterdam shots, here is one from Paris. This one is a two shot vertorama, taken from the Tour Montparnasse. I used the TSE lens to get two shots, and to see the road right under the tower. I also used the Lenskirt, to shade the camera, as this was taken through glass. The Lenskirt was not meant for such wide lens (maybe I should have bought the bigger one), but with a bit of work it worked out :)

There is also a bit of perspective distortion here, but I decided not to remove it as that breaks the composition I wanted, and the front part looks horrible afterwards.

So finally it was not raining in the morning, and I could go out to take few photos. So I decided to go to the I am Amsterdam sign. I hopped on a bus, and since I don’t know the locations of all the stops, I was looking at the display, to see where to get out. And it was, 4 stops to my destination, 3 stops, 2 stops, I’d should have gotten out 2 stops ago. What? I have no idea why, but the bus just skipped few stops, and I ended on a completely different stop I needed to. So until I caught a bus back, the morning blue hour was almost over and I got maybe 3-4 shots before the lights turned off. Just my luck.

But here is one of the photos I got. It’s a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

The weather is playing tricks on me these days. The second day in a row, I got up before sunrise, looked out the window and it’s not raining. So I get dressed, take my gear, and the moment I step outside it starts raining. I presume, the day I stay in bed, will be the best sunrise ever :)

So no sunrise shot here, but here is one I took yesterday evening. I’m not really sure, the bicycle was really broken, but from the way it’s standing, I would think so :)

My luck with the weather yesterday was just horrible. First I forgot about the time change, so I was waiting for the sunset one hour too early. Then it started raining like crazy (which is really bad when you camera is not weather sealed) and only after I gave up, returned to my flat here and thought I get no photos for that evening anymore, it just stopped and the sky completely cleared up. Really hard to predict the weather conditions here.

But still, I just turned around, and went back out to get at least few shots. And here is one of them. This is a two shot blend, as I needed a darker exposure for the building in the middle.

In this shot, I wanted to have the Eiffel tower, a passing train, and also the nearby tall buildings. I tried it last time I was in Paris, but then I included all by rotating the camera 45 degrees. I did not really like the results. This time I used the TSE lens to get a two shot vertorama, and I like the result much more :)

This is a two shot vertorama, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

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