I really love how how different a view one can get when using a tilt shift lens. The ability to do panoramas and vertoramas quickly is just perfect. Since I bought it, it became my most used lens almost overnight :)

Same here, in the Zaanse Schans. Being able to get the full reflection while standing so close, and still avoiding some crazy distortion is great. It just gives a new view of things. This is a three shot vertorama, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

I looked through my older photos for today, and decided to edit one I took two years ago in Dubai. It’s actually funny, that if you look at actual photos of this area, there are so many new building there, that were not there just few years ago. It changes so quickly all the time.

This is a blend of two images, with a darker exposure used to tone down few highlights.

One more shot from yesterdays evening in Bratislava, of the green lasers from top of the SNP bridge. This time from a different view-port, from the new Old bridge (which I almost completele forgot that is completed already, have to go there and get some photos of it :)).

This is a blend of two exposures. Most of this is one, with a second one used to blend in the castle and some lights on the bridge. Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Today started a Festival of light in Bratislava, where a lot of parts of the city are lit up with different light installations. And one of those are also these laser lights from the top of the SNP bridge.

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

I wonder what is worst, being home sick and not being able to go to Photokina, or seeing all the updates from all my friends that are there, to know what I’m missing :). Hard to say. But at least since I am home, I have some time to edit photos. So for today, another photo from the Zaanse Schans in Zaandam in Netherlands.

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

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