Surface Laptop

As you may know, I am quite a big fan of Surface products and own a Surface Pro 4. And today Microsoft announced a new laptop in the Surface line. It looks pretty nice, but actually the only thing I would like, is a Surface Pro in that beautiful blue color :). Still, it’s worth a look (official site here), as it show the way a lot of PC will go in the future.

Now if they would just start selling the Surface Dial and Surface Ergonomic keyboard in Europe, so I can finally get them.

The beacon of light over Paris

I did not want to share another Eiffel tower photo with you again, but I just had to share this one right away. As probably everyone, I always try to search for a different view of familiar subjects and this is something I have not seen before (maybe somebody did it before, I have not seen every photo of the Eiffel tower ever done :)). I planed to do this shot for a while, but I had to go back to Paris first.

In the end I had only one try, so I’m not completely happy with the composition here. I will have to redo the shot, with a bit wider composition to get more of the surroundings. Still, I think it makes for an interesting photo :)

This photo is put together from 14 exposures. I used three for the base of the photo and then additional 11 for the lights (I captured 40 in total). I took the base ones at a low ISO, to get a nice noise free base to work with. Then I bumped the ISO up until I got a fast enough exposure. I used the interferometer to take a shot every two seconds, for about two-three times the light went around the tower. In the end I blended them together as I would blend together star trails.

The beacon of light over Paris, Eiffel tower

Terribly slow Lightroom

I really wonder how much testing does Adobe on their products before they release them. It just can’t be how slower Lightroom got after the latest updates. And I really need those due to the 5D mark IV support, so I can’t even downgrade. It’s really horrible, and I’m not even surprised that I already seen photographers mentioning wanting to move to different software solutions. If every edit that should be instant takes seconds, one looses so much time on every photo.

I really wish that Adobe would just stop adding new features for a year, and just optimize, optimize and optimize even more. If they continue on this path, I would be not surprise if they start loosing customers quite soon :/

I plan to get a new, quite powerful, PC soon, but if Lightroom is still slow on that one, I will be looking at something different. I just can’t afford waisting so much time just waiting on it to perform the basic operations. On my older i7 processor changing exposure on a photo, will go up to 8% usage when doing it in Photoshop, and 40% usage when doing it in Lightroom. That’s just not normal.

No people around the Eiffel tower

Today’s photo is another one taken by the Eiffel tower. I just love to take photos of it, and since I had only mostly night shots, now I’m adding a lot of day ones :). There are many views one can get up close, but most of them will have many people in them. But, if you walk around, there is a small park to the side of the tower, with a little pond in the middle. You can’t go close to the pond (which I would so like to, to get a nice reflection :)), but you still get quite a view, with only trees in the foreground. It just looks like the Eiffel tower is in the middle of a park, not in the middle of a city :)

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, edited in Photoshop.

No people around the Eiffel tower
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