I’m back

Wow, was June busy for me. I have been to Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Spain, France and with a quick stop in Netherlands. I seen a lot, I took a lot of pictures and I have a lot to share with you. So if I don’t have to leave again soon, I’m back to updating the blog. So hear goes :)

The landscape of Portugal

Let me start with a nice huge panorama from Portugal. The scenery there is just stunning. The weather on the other side, was like from hell. 40-45 degrees every day, with little breeze and no clouds. I really had “luck” going there when there was a crazy heat wave all over Europe. And to tell the truth, I don’t really like heat that much. Maybe next to the ocean, but really not inland.

And since the landscape was so spectacular, I ended up taking many more panoramas than I usually do. So there will be more of those. For those curious, here is also a bigger version, where you can see the detail of this photo better.

This is a panorama fro 5 shots, combined in Lightroom, edited in Photoshop. The total size is 65Mpix. This photos was taken in the hill above Barca d’Alva in Portugal.

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