
When I listened to the guide while visiting the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, she explained that its the second largest building in the world, after the Pentagon in the USA. But when I tried to search for that, it shows a bit more of a correction. It is the second largest, administrative building. Still, it’s a huge building, quite a stunning place to visit :)

The second largest building

So of course this photo is of the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. This is the view from the big parking area right in front of the palace. I really liked how the big street lamps framed the view, so I found the exact center opposing the parliament, and got this.

This is a blend of 4 exposure, done in Photoshop.

Back to posting

So after spending two weeks on the road again, I just felt dead tired. I just needed few days of rest. Not that I got that much, as I still need to work, and all the temperature changes just make me feel sick. But finally I feel better now, so it’s time to get back to posting new content to the blog. So lets start with a photo from Pecs in Hungary.

Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Pécs

I visited Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania this month. And while it was a crazy travel schedule, I managed to get quite a few nice photos. So let’s start with a vertorama from the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Pécs.

Funny thing, nobody minded that I use a tripod here. And it was same in 90% of places I visited (there were few exceptions). Nice to see that the south east part of Europe does not have the aversion to tripods some other parts already do. Hope it stays that way.

This is a two photo vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Lightroom after I updated my PC

So not that long ago, I updated my PC. The new one is a 4Ghz i7, 32GB of RAM and a 1080GTX graphic card. And if you wonder that that made Lightroom more usable, I have bad news for you. It’s as bad as it was before. Slow, choppy, takes long to open photos and even longer to activate tools. If I export anything, the cpu goes to 100% and even the mouse cursor stops, as it takes every bit of power it can get from the PC.

I have no idea what Adobe did, or if they really want people to stop using Lightroom, but I’m on the verge of getting rid of it. Will give them one more update, if it’s still the same, it’s gone.

Strangely, no such problems with Photoshop. I can have huge photos with many layers open, and it still works fine.

Early morning color of Paris

I really like when I get a nice color contrast in a photo. And the most common one you can get is between blue and yellow. And it just works so nice.

Same here, with this morning photo taken in Paris at the Eiffel tower. It’s like the city standing still, while the street moves.

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