
With the New year, I finally started posting the newsletter again. Right now it’s a more of a recap of the week. So if you like to be kept updated on whats new on the blog, feel free to subscribe. You can find the subscription dialog on the bottom of every page. You can see the last one send out here.

Winter in Amsterdam

While I was in Amsterdam in December last year, I so hoped for some photos with snow. But you know how it always works out. Around 3-4 day before I arrived, the whole city got covered with snow, which of course promptly disappeared before I got there. All I had was a lot of rain. What can you do.

So I did a lot of panoramas, even with not such a great weather, but better than nothing :) This one is from two exposures, with two additional exposures used to darken the window lights. Combined using PTgui, finished in Photoshop.

Winter in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm

In my first impressions article about the Laowa 12mm f2.8 lens, I also mentioned that I ordered a filter holder for it. There are actually two different ones available. There is one directly from Laowa (in two variants), and then there is this one from Nisi. I could not find many comparisons, but from those that I found, it looked like the Nisi one was the better option.


Whats great about this holder (and also the Laowa one), is that you can use this ultra wide angle lens with 100x100mm filters, and with a relatively small polarizer (86mm). Normally, if you have a 14mm lens or a wider one, you have not only to use special holders, but you need bigger filters, 150x150mm or even 180x180mm. This becomes much more pricier and of course also much harder to work with. The bigger the filter, the more chances to get it dirty, to break it and similar.

The build quality looks very nice. The metal base with the plastic holders look very well made and solid. The CPL goes in easily and rotates smoothly. Filters go in a bit harder, but I presume that’s because it’s new, and will change a bit over time.

The holder fits on the lens hood mount of the lens. I fits fine, but I think its a bit looser than it should be. When I tried to rotate the filter, I rotated the whole assembly. But I managed to fix this easily with a bit of sticky tape over the thread. Now it holds much more securely.

Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm


The filter holder is in three parts. You get the adapter ring, the filter holder and a 86mm circular polarizer. Installation is very easy. Just screw in the polarizer into the adapter, than attach it to the lens, and put the filter holder over it. You then have two small wheels on the sides to rotate the polarizer. You then use it as any other filter holder.

Sample shots

I tried few shots with different setups, with and without the polarizer, with and without any filters or the holder. And here are few example shots, unedited, just to show the vignetting.

You can see, that the polarizer is visible a bit in the corners. But you can also see, that the effect the polarizer does is really not great. That a problem with polarizers on ultra wide angle lenses. But with a bit of moving around, I managed it to look a bit better, but not much. It more to be used in different situations, not on a blue sky.

With the filter holder and no polarizer, you can see almost nothing in the corners. But you have to rotate the holder exactly straight or you will see it a bit in the corners. On the shot with the filter attached, you can see parts of the corners covered. This is not from the holder, but from the gasket on the filter. I don’t have any Nisi filters, so I tried this with Fiber Hittech filters, and the gasket on those is a bit smaller than one would need here.

Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
Base image, no filter or holder attached.
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
The polarizer attached, but rotated so it’s not visible.
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
Polarizer rotated for maximum effect.
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
No polarizer, but the filter holder attached.
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
With 10 stop ND filter.
Nisi 100mm Holder for Laowa 12mm
With polarizer, 10 stop filter and 3 stop grad filter.

I will be using this more, and will post a full review in few weeks, after my Dubai trip. I think I will use this one there a lot :) Same for the Laowa 12mm lens.

Lights in the river

I got the Nisi filter holder for the Laowa 12mm f2.8 lens today, and I though I would write about that for this blog post. But I went out to take some photos with it, and I just did not felt inspired. So I will leave that for tomorrow, and for today, a shot of the Bratislava city center, taken from the Apollo bridge.

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Prints & downloads available in the shop

Something I have planed to do for a while, is to offer you the ability to buy prints and licences of my photos right from my blog. And starting yesterday, this is available for a selection of my photos.

It will never be all of my photos, due to me not being able to offer them (either I don’t have a property release or they are already licensed to someone else). So like this, this will be a smaller, curated selection, of what I think you would like as much as I do :) But if you want a photo, that is not there, you can still contact me under

Visit the shop site here.

What’s available?

When you head over to my Shop page over at my Smugmug Portfolio, chose a photo and click buy, you will see what’s available. There are three categories:

  • Paper prints – here you can find standard prints, e.g. you would like a poster of one of my photos and similar
  • Wall art – here you will find the more fancy prints, like canvas prints, metal, wood and similar
  • Download – here you can buy a personal or commercial licence of a photo

Bay Photo

All prints are done by Bay Photo in the US. I chosen this one, as I wan you to have the best quality possible, and also most of the visitors to my pages are from the US. I currently do not offer prints from photo labs in other regions, but if you would like a print, and buying it from the US is not convenient for you, you can just buy a personal use license (where you get a full resolution image) and print it anywhere you want.


The two licences available, the personal and commercial are meant for different purposes.

The personal is just for your personal use. For instance, you are creating a photo book and want a nice cover, you want a nice photo fro your personal blog and you don’t want to have watermarks on it, you want to print out something that I don’t offer and similar. The photo comes as full resolution, 100% quality JPG image every time (other versions available on request).

The commercial license is for companies that want to use a photo on their website, promotional material, magazines, books and similar. There are multiple versions available (1Mpix, 4Mpix and full resolution), with different prices based on the size.

You can see the full licence agreement when you choose a download.

And here are few mock-ups, how it could look in your home :)

Prints & downloads available in the shop
Prints & downloads available in the shop
Prints & downloads available in the shop
Prints & downloads available in the shop

A spring moment under the Eiffel tower

I hope you all have a great weekend. I spending mine doing an early spring clean up of my flat :) And while I was doing that, I though I would also share a spring photo with you. So here is one, from early Spring in Paris. The weather was horrible that day, but about for one hour, it got so beautiful, with nice blue sky and golden sunlight everywhere. So of course I was not the only one there. And while I usually don’t like people in my photos, I liked this scene as a whole, so I decided to include them.

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

A spring moment under the Eiffel tower
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