Back from Austria

And I’m back. This was a very short trip. But we had luck and yesterday the weather was just fantastic. Wonderful blue sky, no wind, lovely colors from the shining sun. Just great. And before I get to a new photo, here are few shots taken behind the camera. The photographer in the shot is not me, it’s Pedro Kin from

behind the camera
behind the camera
behind the camera

The path in Traunkirchen

And here you have the first photo I took yesterday. This was taken in the small town of Traunkirchen, right at the lake Traunsee. There is this little part blocked off by this grass path, which creates a beautifully calm reflection on one side of it. I really liked the contrast between the two sides, so of course I had to create a panorama here. But as the water outside was not that calm, I decided to go with a ND filter to make it a long exposure one.

This is a three shot panorama, taken with the use of the VFFOTO 10 stop ND filter. With it, I pushed the exposure to be 30seconds. Panorama combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Path in the middle, Traunkirchen, Austria

And here are few details:

Path in the middle, Traunkirchen, Austria

Off to Austria

I’m off to Austria for a short weekend photo trip today, so this is just a quick post. Wish me luck for good weather and some nice new landscape photos :)

Early spring under the Eiffel tower

And for the photo today, another one of my many vertoramas of the Eiffel tower. I’m really glad I took so many, as now, with the glass wall they are building around it, it’s just not the same anymore.

This is a two shot vertorama, with a third shot used to remove few people close to the camera. Combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Early Spring under the Eiffel tower, Paris, France

When the weather does not work out

cameraSo I just borrowed two extensions tubes. A 2x and a 1.4x. With this, I can change my 70-200mm lens to a 196-560mm lens. I thought I would get some nice moon shots with it, as it was so big recently, and I already planed where to shoot. But of course, the day I got them, the weather changed to overcast and fog. And it’s not better rigt now. So no chance at all to even see something. It’s like on purpose. Some Murphys law :)

Castle zoomed in

But of course I had to at least try the extension tubes. So while I was in the city, I took this panorama, at 560mm. I was standing right next to the Old bridge when I took this, so it was 1.4km away from the castle. 560mm is quite a lot isn’t it.

This is a two shot panorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Castle zoomed in, Panorama, Bratislava, Slovakia

This is a little different top photography spots list to the others. Instead of focusing on a single town or city, It will be for a specific area of Austria. That area would be the Wachau Valley.

Wachau Valley

Wachau Valley is an area in the North East of Austria close to Vienna. It’s a valley around Danube stretching from the town of Melk to the town Krems. It’s full of beautiful nature views, vineyards and castle ruins all around the Danube bends.

The whole area is perfect for a day trip by car, as most areas are easily accessible without much walking. I will mention in the list how to get to the spot the easiest way. You can get here in about one hour from Vienna.

Don’t forget to check out other available lists:

Opposite Dürnstein

Probably the most well know view in the Wachau Valley. Right opposite of Dürnstein, there is a small beach. From there, you get a wonderful view of the town, framed by the hill behind it. If you do long exposure photography, you will even get a nice reflection in the Danube.

If you staying in the town of Dürnstein, you can get to this spot by taking the little boat ferry that goes across every few minutes. By car is not as easy to get across, as the closes bridge is in Krems.

Also, be careful when a bigger ship passes by. The water level on the beach can go up rather quickly from the created waves.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

On top of Dürnstein Castle

The view from the other side is also great. You can walk up to the Dürnstein castle ruins and have the whole town under you. It’s not an easy climb as the steps are quite steep, but it’s manageable. There are many spot along the walk that make for a good photo oportunities. These two photos are from the complete top, from a huge rock in the middle of the ruins.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Abbey Church of Dürnstein

You can also visit the Abbey Church while in Dürnstein. I’m not 100% sure if tripods are still allowed inside, as I have not been inside in a while, but last time they had no problem with them. So you can always try :)

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Spitz castle ruin

The Spitz castle ruin is another great spot with a great view. It’s on a small hill above the town of Spitz. You have to walk a bit up from the parking space, but it not far. The ruin is freely accessible (as the sign says, enter at your own risk) and can be entered at any time.

You can also walk up to the tower that’s in the middle of the ruin, but the steps there are a bit more steeper.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Red gate in Spitz

On the completely opposite side of Spitz you will find the Red gate. This is also a ruin, a part of a fortification. You can get really close to it by car and there is a small parking space for few cars next to a nearby house.

The area is freely accessible, there are not fences or anything like that there.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Spitz vineyards

Right form the Red gate, you can walk into the vineyards in Spitz. You will find no fences or gates here, and you can walk all around the town through them. The vineyards make for a great foreground element when you try to take photos of the town of Spitz.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Aggstein castle ruin

Let’s continue to another castle. The Aggstein castle ruin is on another hill further down the in the valley. Again, it’s very easy accesible, as there is a road going completely up to the castle. There is also a big parking space right next to it.

The castle is not always open (there is a winter break) and you will have to pay an entrance fee. You can use a tripod inside without any issues. You can go up to both sides of the ruin and from one you get a nice view of the castle, from the other the view in the Wachau valley is just spectacular.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria
Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

The rocks behind the Aggstein castle ruin

Right behind the castle, there is a huge rock formation. It looks like you can’t climb onto it, but that’s not the case. If you go along the walkway, that is in front of it, you can get around and on top of it. From there you get to view the whole castle. But be sure, there are no railing or anything, so you enter there at your own risk.

Top Photography spots - Wachau Valley, Austria

Melk Monastery

The monastery in Melk is just huge. You can go in for a tour, but you can’t take photos there. Still if you like to see a very beautiful cathedral from inside, you should visit it.

It’s not that easy to get a nice shot from the outside, as the monastery is on the hill. But my favorite spot is from the nearby bridge, where you can see the front of the monastery in a reflection.

I’m missing a photo here, as while I have been in the are few times, I either had no time to get a shot or the monastery was under reconstruction. But will add one here as soon as I have one :)

And that’s all the spots I want to share with you in this list. There are of course many more great views, as the Wachau Valley really is an area worth exploring.

Don’t forget to check out other available lists:

Backing up photos

I have been working the last week to get my whole photo library in order. Organizing, renaming, deleting just and so on. I also chosen how I backup everything, so thats also being done. And on the side, I write an article on backing up and how I did everything. So once thats done, you will see it here :)

Autumn at the lake

This is another long exposure panorama, and another shot taken with the VFFoto 10stop ND filter. I have to say, I’m quite pleased with that filter. The color cast is minimal and the sharpness is not affected at all. I have been using it much more recently, and will more :)

This is a two exposure panorama, taken at Strbske Pleso lake in High Tatras in Slovakia. I normally would include more of the mountains in a shot like this, but I thought I try it a bit different for this one, and zoomed in more on the horizon. And I liked it :) Combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Autumn at the lake, Strbske pleso, Slovakia

And here are few details:

Autumn at the lake, Strbske pleso, Slovakia
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