Missing updates

I just noticed that I had not updated the blog in almost three weeks. Crazy how fast time goes. Not that I had any free time in between. March is usually my busiest work month, and it was not different again this year. And I also like to make changes to my flat in the spring, as that’s when I’m inspired to do so. So when I was not editing or taking photos, I was doing that. And of course I’m tired from all that. But it’s time to get back to posting, so here goes :)

Before sunrise

I had to look over my gallery to even see if this is before sunrise or after sunset. It’s hard to say in Dubai. The city has so much light in it all the time. But if you look closely, you will notice the bridge in the middle empty. That just never happens in the evening :)

This is a two exposure blend, done in Photoshop. This was taken through the glass wall with the help of the Lenskirt.

Before sunrise, Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE
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