Sponsored posts

I have been getting emails with offer and questions of people, who would like to contribute to this blog or would like me to do a sponsored post here. So before I get more, I think I should clear my stance on those.

This is a one person blog. That means, I am the only author of all photos and articles here. And to keep things consistent, I plan to keep it like that (at least for now).

This also means that I will not share any post created by any other person or company here. On the other hand, if you are a company that offers a photography related product and you would like an article/review about it, feel free to reach out. If I find it interesting or useful, I’m opened to do one.

That’s all about this topic, off to another photo here :)

A sunny day in Vernazza

Behind the camera in Vernazza, ItalyI spend the last week in the Cinque Terre area in Italy. I visited all the five little towns there, and I even got some nice photos. The area is just wonderful, with so many great views. But if you don’t like hills and crazy amounts of steps, I would not go there :)

Here is the first one, taken in Vernazza. As you can clearly see, the forecast for the day, rain and thunderstorms, was perfectly correct :). It was equally correct for every other day I spend there.

For this shot, I took 4 shots vertically, to make a panorama. I also used the Nisi polarizing filter, not that much to get more color in the sky, but to get rid of the glare from the water. It worked quite nicely. This photo was combined in PTgui and finished in PHotoshop.

A sunny day in Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy

Dinner under the Burj Khalifa

Not easy to fit the Burj Khalifa into a photo, especially if you also want to include a foreground with it. But here is where the tilt shift lens works so great. With using a vertorama, you can get just so much more into your shot.

This is a three shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

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