Travel time

I’m off to another trip, so the will be probably no updates during the next week. And if you are curious where I’m off, its the beautiful city of Astana in Kazakhstan. Check out next week, when I will already have some photos from there :)

At the Old bridge

And since I’m a bit busy right now, here is just a quick photo of the new Old bridge in Bratislava.

This photo was taken with the 12mm Laowa lens, its from a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

At the Old bridge, Bratislava, Slovakia

Reading list

Looks like I forgot that it was Friday yesterday, so I did not do a reading list update. So instead, will do it today. So this week I read two books. From the fiction side, I quite enjoyed the The Singularity Trap by Dennis E. Taylor. It’s a great sci-fi story from a great author. If you have not yet read the Bobiverse series by this author you really should :)

From non fiction, I read 10% Happier by Dan Harris. I’m interested in meditation as a way to focus more on single things, so the title sounded intriguing. But it was just a disappointment. For an author that claims to get rid of his big ego, he just talks about himself and only himself. Not worth the time I spend on it.

Right now i’m back to fiction, and I started the Soul Survivor by Dean Koontz. I read few books from this author before, so will see where this one goes.

Framed view from the Business bay

I don’t remember why this frame was in the middle of the Business bay. There was some description, but it was already few months ago, so I’m not sure what it was. But it looked nice as something to make a framed view, even though the blue lights around it were quite strong.

So here I used the 12mm Laowa lens, so I can get really close to the frame and get as much of the business bay as I can into the shot (the frame is not small, it was around 2m tall). There was still a little bit of distortion, as even with a zero distortion lens, you just can’t be so close and not getting any. But it was very easy to fix in Lightroom.

This is a three shot blend, edited in Lightroom, blended in Photoshop.

Framed view from the Business bay, Dubai, UAE


So, as probably every photographer, I have few ideas how to enhance my gear. So today, I ordered myself a 3D printer. Not a pricey one, as I never had one before, but one to start experimenting with. And will see, maybe I create something useful one day :) Let’s be surprised.

Dusk over Vernazza

How about another panorama, another from Italy, another from Cinque Terre :). But today it’s not Manarola, but it’s Vernazza.

Vernazza is actually quite small. This was taken my last day there, so I wanted to hit as many spots as I could. So I started on the other side of the town (this spot) for the sunrise and for the blue hour I wanted to be at the opposite side. And it took me only 10 minute to quickly walk down to the center, and walk back up. If I can do it so quickly, anyone can :)

For this photo I used 2 photos, each one from 5 exposures. I started with Lightroom where I did few tweaks to the photos, exported into PTgui to create the blend planes, then continued in Oloneo Photoengine to create a HDR and then finished it all in Photoshop.

Dusk over Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy

Adding hashtags on Instagram

What are you using to add hashtags when posting to Instagram? Recently I have been using the app Leetags It’s an app on Android (there is also an iOS version) that can create the hastags for you in seconds.

You just put in few words that describe your photo, and Leetags will find for you the most popular hashtags on Instagram that relate to the ones you provided. Just don’t forget there is a limit of 30 per photo :)

Of course there are other apps that do the same, but this one works quite well for me.

Sunset in Manarola

While taking photos in Manarola in Cinque Terre in Italy, I wanted a nice sunset behind the city. But I was there not during the right time of the year, so the sun was behind me. Still, it can sometimes work out, because when the sky lights up with colors, it does not matter which way you look. But not this time. Still, the sunset was quite nice, so I took few shot into the sun. even without the city it looked great :). You can see the view towards the city here.

This is a two shot panorama, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Sunset in Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy

You will always get caught

I was just reading this article about this “photographer” from Singapore, and it’s just so funny (and also sad) that I thought I would share it with you.

How some people still don’t understand, that using other peoples photos is not worth it, I don’t know. With reverse image search it’ss just so easy to find thief’s. And it even looks like he has some Photoshop skills, why not use them and edit his own photos? Hard to understand….

Cold evening under the Old bridge

I had a bit busy day today, so will keep this short. This is a late winter shot, from a very cold evening, taken by the new old bridge. It’s quite wide, as I used the 12mm Laowa lens. It really looks great when standing next to a cool huge structure.

This is a blend of two exposures, one as a base, second one to get rid of the lens flares.

Cold evening under the Old bridge, Bratislava, Slovakia
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