Portfolio site

For those who would like to just see my photos, without all the stuff around them, you can check out my portfolio site wwww.hdrshooter.net. There almost no text there, just a huge wall of photos :)

Tower in Monterosso

If you look closely into the previous photo I posted from Monterosso, you can see this tower right in the middle of it. There is a small viewing platform right behind it, and that’s from where this photo was taken.

It is quite close to the tower though, so I used the 17mm tilt-shift lens here, and did a vertorama. I wanted to get the whole tower and also a lot of the sky.

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom and finished in Photoshop.

Tower in Monterosso, Cinque Terre, Italy

More ultrawide wallpapers

Based on the visitor numbers, it seems like you quite like the walllpapers I’m sharing with you, especially the surface ones and the ultrawide ones. So I will be adding more. Today, here are 4 new ones from the ultrawide variety.

3440×1440 wallpapers

You can download these, and all the other wallpapers available, from the wallpapers page here.

3440x1440 ultrawide wallpapers
3440x1440 ultrawide wallpapers
3440x1440 ultrawide wallpapers
3440x1440 ultrawide wallpapers

Astana Around Us

As I mentioned before, I visited Astana in Kazakhstan few weeks ago. I can’t really share the photos with you yet, but what I can show you, are few photos from the exhibition I’m a part off. Big thanks to Altair for sending me the photos :)

Astana Around Us
(the second photo is not mine, just including it to show you how the display looks like)
So if you are in Astana, Kazachstan, go to the city center and check them out in person.

On the roman bridge in Salamanca

Normally you would never get me to take photos at a day like the on I took this one. It was over 40 degrees Celsius outside, with zero clouds and crazy sunny. It was hard to even stand outside in the sun. But as I only had about 2-3 hours in the city of Salamanca, and I knew there is this old Roman bridge there, I wanted some photos of it. And I do not know If I go back, ever.

Good thing in such a weather though, that there was almost no one else outside. Just other crazy people like me :). So I had most of the bridge for myself. I really liked this composition, with the 4 lamp framing the cathedral in the distance. And I again did a panorama here to get more of the surrounding of the bridge into the photo.

This is a two shot panorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

On the roman bridge in Salamanca

New products from Peak Design

Peak Design is by now a well know company that creates high quality camera bags, backpacks and accessories. And each time the come with something new, they do it through Kickstarter, as that’s where they had their start. And they doing it again today, with their new products. So if you find them interesting, now it’s the time to get them, as the Kickstarter price is quite lower than the final retail price. You can find the Kickstarter page here.

So what’s new? A Travel line, made specialy for traveling, consisting of:

Travel Backpack 45L

A quite a big travel backpack, made in a more modular design than other Peak Design products. You can use it as a normal backpack, or use the camera and packing cubes to change the inside of it. With the camera cube you can made it more into a camera backpack. The retail price should be 299.95 USD, with the Kickstarter price being 235 USD
Peak Design new products

Camera and Packing cubes

These cubes are meant to be used with the Travel Backpack, where you use them to change the inside of the bag. You can do different configurations here.
Peak Design new products

Tech and Wash Pouch

And to finish it off Peak design also introduced two smaller pouches, one specifically designed for smaller tech items, and one for hygienic items.
Peak Design new products

You can find more photos and information, as well as pricing on the Kickstarter page here.

(all photos courtesy of Peak Design)

Wide view from Paris

And another panorama. This one is from my visit to Paris last year. I took it quite early in the morning, right before the sunrise. As you can see, the blue hour was quite nice, but since it was really cloudy, the sunrise was not so much.

This is a two shot panorama, combined in Lightroom, edited in Photoshop.

Wide view from Paris, France

And here are few details:

Wide view from Paris, France

Another photo from Cinque Terre

Yes, it’s another photo from Italy. If you wonder why I edit so many in a row, it’s because I’m preparing a Top spots in Cinque Terre page, and I need photos for it :). But until it’s done, you can see all other top photography spots pages here.

Warm day in Cinque Terre

The week I was in Cinque Terre earlier this year was very warm. And this was after the forecast for the whole week was rain, rain and more rain. I don’t really like such a warm weather. If I would not take photos, nobody would get me out into such a sunny day. But when one takes photos, it’s completely different. I can endure the warm quite easily, when I focus on the photos. I don’t even notice then :)

This is a two shot panorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Warm day in Cinque Terre, Vernazza, Italy

And here are few details:

Warm day in Cinque Terre, Vernazza, Italy
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