Light beams from the SNP bridge

How about one more photo from yesterday’s White night event in Bratislava. This time it’s one of the light beams from the top of the SNP bridge in the city center. They moved quite a lot, but looks like I had quite the luck when I took the shot, that they were more stable.

For this photo I went with a two shot vertorama. For each shot I did 5 exposures, as the light on the bridge walkway are very bright. I first combined all exposures into blend planes in PTgui, then created a base HDR in Oloneo Photoengine, which I then blended with the base exposures in Photoshop. Just a few steps to create a photo :)

Light beams from the SNP bridge, White night, Bratislava, Slovakia

White night lights on the Old bridge

Today was again the White night event in Bratislava, where there are various light installations around the city. I usually go and take few photo, but I’m not such a fan of big crowds, so I only take some around the center.

So here is one I took at the new Old bridge, that is currently light up in various colors and it all also changes a bit. Looks quite nice actually :)

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

White night lights on the Old bridge

Top Photography Spots – Cinque Terre

I remembered that I promised a top photography spots list for cinque terre a while ago, and I never posted one. So I had a look, and the list was partially done, but not finished. The list is online now, and you can find it here, with all the other lists, or here is the direct link. I’m still missing one photo and have to update all the menus, but that will be done soon :)

Evening overlooking Vernazza

Evening overlooking VernazzaAt first I was not even sure if I edit this one. As you can see to the side here, this photo just looked too dark to work with. Even the brightest exposure I got seemed to dark. But in the end, with a bit of work it came out quite ok :)

Here I started with a 5 exposure HDR created in Oloneo Photoengine. Then I edited the darkest exposure, to darken the lights even more. I also edited one of the darker exposure to get no movement in the docked boats. I took this all into Photoshop and blended it together.

If you want to know the location for this photos, check out the Top photography spots – Cintuque Terre list I posted today, as this is taken from one of the spots there.

Evening overlooking Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy

Framed by the lights

I really like to frame interesting building with something from the surrounding. And lights can sometimes be a great framing subject. But they are not an easy one. If you get your lights in the shot, you can expect a lot of flares. And that’s what I got here.

But if you seen my guide on how to remove lens flares, you probably already know what I did here. I first took a normal photo of the scene. Then since I got flares in the shot, I took another photo, with my hand in front of the left lamp. And then I took another shot with my hand in front of the right lamp. Like this, I had a clean photo of every area I needed and I could blend them all together in Photoshop. Look into my guide to see more on how it’s done.

This is of course the EXPO 2017 sphere building in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Framed by the lights

Colorful light tunnel

I have absolutely no idea why this colorful light tunnel was in the middle of a small square in Astana, and also no idea why it was on at 5 in the morning. But it was there and it was on when I walked by, so of course I took a photo :)

To tell the truth, I’m not completely happy with the composition. I wanted to have the statue in the background perfectly centered in the middle of the tunnel. I tried multiple positions, moving from side to side, but I could not find a spot from where it would be in center, while still seeing the whole tunnel. One can’t have everything.

This is a blend of three shots, done in Photoshop.

Colorful light tunnel
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