Astana city center panorama

Let’s continue with another panorama today. This one was taken from the top of one of the skyscrapers in the city. It was right after a thunderstorm, so that’s why it’s quite cloudy there.

This is a three shot panorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop. As you maybe noticed, sometime I use Lightroom and sometime PTGui for my panorama. The reason why I use both is simple. While Lightroom now supports HDR panoramas, it can’t create separate blending planes. It only creates one, already combined HDR photo. Since I like to blend in parts of the original shots, I need the blend planes. And this is what I can get from PTGui. So I use Lightroom only for panoramas, where I don’t use multiple exposures.

Astana city center panorama, Kazakhstan

And here are few details:

Astana city center panorama, Kazakhstan, detail

Work vs. Play

I shared this on my Twitter account, so I though I will also put this here. This is my work area vs. my play area. As you can see, I like big monitors and having a lot of consoles :)


In the snow

No, this photo is not actual :) I was looking through my Lightroom library, and randomly stopped on this one, so I thought I edit it and share it with you. I took this shot in early 2015, during a very rare winter day. It just snowed like crazy.

Unluckily, after about a hour in this snow, my camera broke (5D mark II at that time) and I could not take much more photos. But luckily, it started working again the next day, and worked since. Strange how things sometime repair themselves.

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

In the snow, Bratislava, Slovakia

Adding watermark

On almost every one of my photo you can see a small text watermark in the bottom of the photo. Over the years I have added it many many times. But I did it very easily. I made myself a quick simple action in Photoshop, so it take me one click to add the watermark to the photo. And today I will show you how to create one for yourself.

How to create simple action to add watermark

As I mentioned, this will be a text based watermark, how I use. I will do a separate guide for a graphic on later, but it’s quite similar.

1. open any image, does not matter which one
2. choose Windows/Actions (or Alt+F9) to turn on the Actions window
3. either select a group to put your new action in, or create a new group by clicking the folder icon, name it and select it

Create simple action to add watermark
Create simple action to add watermark

4. create the new action, by clicking the new action button, name it and click record
5. choose the Text tool, select your font, font style and size, click on the image and write the text of your watermark
6. once done, select the move tool to deselect the text

Create simple action to add watermark
Create simple action to add watermark

7. select the whole image with Select/All (or Ctrl+A)
8. now align the text with the image, I will do with the bottom right corner
9. choose Layer/Align Layer to Selection/Bottom Edges to align with the bottom edge
10. choose Layer/Align Layer to Selection/Right Edges to align with the right edge
11. deselect the selection with Select/Deselect (or Ctrl+D)

Create simple action to add watermark
Create simple action to add watermark

12. now we move the text a bit away from the edge. Just hit the UP arrow key twice and the LEFT arrow key twice to nudge the text a bit (the move tool should be still selected)
13. click on stop to finish the action recording
14. you should have the following action recorded: make text layer, set selection, align current layer, align current layer, set selection and move current layer

Now on any image you can run this action you just created, to add the text you chosen to the bottom right of the image. If you want a different position, just choose different alignments in 9 and 10th step.

Also, don’t forget to save the action set you created. Select it, click on the 4 lines icon in the top right of the window and choose Save Actions…

Create simple action to add watermark

Rainy night monuments

I’m not sure if it’t the rainy day, the cold I caught somewhere or that they switched time to winter time today, but I’m just so sleepy today. And I slept most of the day also. Still sleepy though. At least it’s Sunday and I had nothing else planed anyway.

But still, here is a quick update to the blog with a new photos. The one for today, is from Astana Kazakhstan, and combines the Expo 2017 sphere building, with the crazy abstract monument right next to it.

This is a blend of three exposures. The base, a darker one to darken the highlight of the statue, and a brighter one to brighter the dark shadows on the building in the background. Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Rainy night monuments, Astana, Kazakhstan

New free ultra-wide wallpapers

It’s time to again update the wallpapers section of this blog with some new wallpapers. Today it’s again a batch of 21:9 wallpapers, fit for an ultrawie monitor. All are again in 3440×1440 resolution and can be downloaded with all other available ones from the wallpapers page here.

And here are the new ones :)

New free ultra-wide wallpapers
New free ultra-wide wallpapers
New free ultra-wide wallpapers
New free ultra-wide wallpapers
New free ultra-wide wallpapers
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