Morning clouds over Astana

A simpler photo today. I took this one while exploring Astana in the very early morning hours. I was actually on my way to the new pedestrian bridge, you can see on the left in this photo. It looks really great in photos, specially when you are on it.

But I can’t show you a photo of it, as I was not able to get onto it. It was still under construction when I was there. Should be opened now already though. So if you go to Astana, you should check it out :) The bridge can be found here.

So for this photo I focused more on the moving clouds over the city. This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Morning clouds over Astana, Kazakhstan

Light tunnel in Amsterdam

Not that long ago I shared with you photos from the White night event in Bratislava. But of course this is not only done in Bratislava, and many cities have events with light inhalations. And last year before Christmas, when I was visiting Amsterdam, they also had few there.

This was a very cool light tunnel, where boats passes under all the time. It was quite short, but it also animated, so the effect was very nice. I did not take the boat, but I stood opposite from it, to get this panorama.

Was not easy to get this shot. The day was quite rainy, and the light difference between the light tunnel and the surrounding was huge. So what I did? I did a 2 shot panorama, each shot from 5 exposures. I corrected the photos in Lightroom, exported, merged into a panoramas in PTgui then merged them into a HDR in Oloneo Photoengine. Then I loaded all into Photoshop, and blended all together with original exposures. I probably used every blending mode I knew on this photo :)

If you are visiting Amsterdam and want some nice spots to take photos from, check out my Top Photography spots in Amsterdam list here.

Light tunnel in Amsterdam, Netherlands

And here are few details:

Light tunnel in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Online and offline course available from today

Something I planed for a while now, was to start offering online photo editing courses and offline general photography courses. And from today, I will start doing so.

For any questions or inquiries about more personalized offer or bigger groups, feel free to message me under or use the contact form here.

Online course via Skype

If you want to get better at editing your photos, this may be for you. For the one or two hours (based on your choice), over a Skype connection we would cover topics from :

  • Basics of photography, terminology, exposure
  • Basics of working with Lightroom and Photoshop
  • Basic corrections, perspective correction, fixing errors
  • Composition basics
  • HDR, using HDR specific software like Oloneo Photoengine
  • Luminance masking
  • Exposure blending
  • Working with Panoramas and HDR panorama
  • Editing one or multiple of my photos together, or a photo you provide.
  • Photo critique, with suggestions on improvements
  • General photo discussion

I’m not doing any specific course content, as everybody’s skill level is different and you may be interesting in a specific topic. Based on your skill level, you can suggest what you want to know, or I will choose for you.

For this course I would suggest you own at least Photoshop and Lightroom. Basic knowledge of working with computer is of course also a must.

Everyone who buys this course will also get a copy of the video tutorial series Master Exposure Blending for free.

Length of the course

Online and offline course available from today

Offline course in Bratislava

The second option, is to meet up in Bratislava (for now I’m limiting this to only one city) and take photos together. Here is what we can go through is:

  • Basics of photography, exposure
  • Composition in landscape and cityscape photos
  • Setting up your camera
  • Taking multiple exposures
  • Panoramic photos, panoramas, vertoramas, 360 photos
  • Taking long exposure photos
  • Choosing exposure
  • Focusing your photos
  • General photo discussion

I’m not doing any specific course content, as everybody’s skill level is different and you may be interesting in a specific topic. Based on your skill level, you can suggest what you want to know bout, or I will choose for you.

The location for this course will be the center of Bratislava, the area around the Bratislava castle, SNP bridge and Old bridge. Other location is possible on request.

For this course I would suggest a camera that support manual settings. Since it’s a cityscape course, a tripod.

Everyone who buys this course will also get a copy of the video tutorial series Master Exposure Blending for free.

Number of people in the course

Online and offline course available from today

Once you buy a course, I will contact you within 24 hours so we could arrange a date and time that would suit your needs. For any questions or inquiries about more personalized offer or bigger groups, feel free to message me under or use the contact form here.

Mountain town in the Alps

I almost forgot how many years already passed from my trip to Zermatt in Switzerland. I was there in the autumn of 2014. How the time flies. But today I will look back with a new photo, not directly from Zermatt, but from a town on the road to Zermatt. This is, if I’m not mistaken, the town of Stalden. It must be quite nice to live so in the mountains, I would just not want to try to go anywhere during the winter :)

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop. Actually, I did not take this as a vetorama, as at that time I did not do so many of them, but since I used the same settings for both photos, I just combined them anyway :)

Mountain town in the Alps, Stalden, Swtizerland, Alps

And here are few details:

Mountain town in the Alps, Stalden, Swtizerland, Alps

Night at the fountain

I was taking photos in the area round the center of Astana, and I was getting ready to finish for the day. It was just too dark already. But then I saw the fountain and though, I could still get some nice shots with the colorful lights in in. So I walked to it, set up my camera, took one shot, and the light turned off :). Just my luck.

But I still got one photo, and this is it. This is a blend of 5 exposures, done in Photoshop. Mostly I just had to blend the tower in the center, as you can see it’s crazy bright compared to it’s surroundings.

Night at the fountain, Astana, Kazakhstan
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