Looking down in Astana

Let’s get back to updating. For today, another photo from Astana. This one was taken from the top of one of the skyscrapers in the city. I wanted to catch as much as I could of the view, so I went with the 12mm lens here.

And you may notice a really strong perspective distortion, but this time it’s on purpose. The perspective distortion here gives a bit of a feeling of vertigo and better represents how high it was taken from.

This is a two shots blend, done in Photoshop.

Looking down in Astana, Kazakhstan

Rainy reflection

I’m off for a few days, so there will be no updates until next week here. But until than, here is another rainy shot from Astana in Kazakhstan. And yeah, the week I was there I was really lucky for rain. But I got the reflection, which is great :)

This is a two exposures blend, done in Photoshop. Of course this is the Expo 2017 sphere building there :)

Rainy reflection, Astana, Kazakhstan

Presidential Palace in Astana

Let’s go back to Astana in Kazakhstan with today’s photo. This is the Presidential Palace right in the center. I really wanted to take more photos of it, but I was asked by a policeman not to do so. What can you do. Still I got this one :)

As you can see, this is another one taken after a strong rain, where I got this really nice reflection by standing right next to a puddle. I do like to take photos like this :)

This is 3 shots blended together in Photoshop, mostly due to quite bright lights lighting up the palace.

Presidential Palace in Astana, Kazakhstan

Light beams over Bratislava

One more, and last for now, photo from the White night event in Bratislava. This is the same lights, as in yesterday’s photo, but this time from probably my most favorite view from the city. I really like how it turned out with the lights being nice top frame of the photo.

This is a two shot panorama, each shot from 5 exposures. I again used PTgui to create the panorama blends and then Oloneo Photoengine to create the base photo. I then blended in the original shots back into it, in Photoshop.

Light beams over Bratislava, White night, Slovakia

And here are few details:

Light beams over Bratislava, White night, Slovakia, detail
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