Light tunnel in the morning

I still don’t know if this was a permanent light installation, or there was an event that this light tunnel was in Astana, Kazakhstan. But I noticed it while passing by, as my hotel was close by. And it was on the whole night. So one morning I decided to go to it to take few photos. I went there around 5 in the morning. I edited photos through the night, so I was up anyway :) As you can see, it rained beforehand, so I had some nice puddle to work with there. I put my tripod as low as it could go, and too this photo.

This is a two shot vertorama, edited in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Light tunnel in the morning

Thematic Pavilion II

I still have a lot of unedited photos from Astana in Kazakhstan. While I was there only few days, and it rained most of the time, I still managed (thanks to a great local guide) to take many photos. It was also my first time there, and usually when I visit a city for the first time, I take much more photos than normally. I just want to capture everything :)

I took this photo in the Expo 2017 Area, behind the Sphere building there. It started raining quite heavily, and I still wanted to take photos. But I was limited in my lenses, as for instance the 12mm or the 17TSE I use are not weather sealed, so could not use those. I had to stick with the 24-70 and the 16-35 from Canon.

For this photo, I actually stood under a crazy looking roof. You can see it’s reflection on the right side. The whole complex is looking very organic and quite abstract. But it hid me from the rain for a bit :)

This is a three exposure blend, edited in Photoshop.

Thematic Pavilion II, Astana, Kazakhstan

Framed shot from the Dubai Marina

Quite randomly, here is another framed photo from Dubai. This one was actually taken from the flat we stayed in while there. I personally prefer AirBnb to hotels (not that I did not stay a lot in those too :)), as usually I get better price, and most of all, better location. And that’s really important for me.

So this was the view from the apartment. And as the owner of it said, it was much better before, but then they build another skyscraper right next to it. But that’s the risk of having a flat in such a location.

This is a three shot HDR created in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop. Most of editing was just to get rid of light reflections, as it was taken through a thick glass window.

Framed shot from the Dubai Marina

Fish-eye frame

I don’t take that many fish-eye photos. Probably it’s because I don’t carry the fish-eye lens with me that often. Actually I usually carry only three lenses with me. A 24-70, a 17 TSE and a 12mm. I like wide views so this are my go to lenses. All other I carry only when I have a specific photo in mind.

I Dubai I had the fish-eye, but only because a friend wanted to try it out. But I still took few photos, like this one in the middle of the Jumeirah lake towers. I tried to create a frame around the center of the photo by using part of the balcony and the nearby skyscraper around the edges of the shot.

This is a blend of three photos, done in Photoshop.

Fish-eye frame

Carousel under the Eiffel tower

As typical around the beginning of the year, I’m a bit short for new photos. The snow in Bratislava changed into rain today, so not much to photograph. So as usually, will be sharing photos I took photo over the years, but never edited.

Here is one of those, from my visit to Paris two years ago. This is the carousel right next to the Eiffel tower. And while I hate the fences on the right, I had to include them for the composition I wanted.

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Carousel under the Eiffel tower, Paris, France
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