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Austrian fields

This does look a bit like and aerial photo, but it is not. I actually took this with a 200mm lens from the area next to the Hohe wand skywalk platform in Austria. The view there is just great, even if a lot of these zoomed in photos did not work out that great. It was just too windy. Still, I have to revisit this place sometime in summer and get even more photo from there :)

This is a single exposure, edited in Photoshop.

Austrian fields

More wallpapers

Let’s do one more batch of wallpapers for the 4K selection. Now it start’s to look better. Not that I will not add still more, but not that early again :)

Check out all the available wallpapers here:

New wallpapers

The theme this time is mountains, so all these are mostly from Alps. Download them from here right now.

4K wallpapers
4K wallpapers
4K wallpapers
4K wallpapers

New tripod

During my trip to Hallstatt last month, my tripod broke. One of the leg locks on longer work. And since it a horrible tripod anyway (I bought it just as a temporary solution and never got to replace it) I’m not even thinking of trying to repair it. So I ordered a new one, trying a Chinese brand this time, the Innorel RT85C to be exact. It’s quite a cheap tripod but the specification and all the reviews I could find look good.

It should arrive later this week or early next, so I will do a first impression article and probably also a review later one. I’m really curious about it.

Hot summer day in the Dubai Marina

What better photo to share while we still have winter (more or less depending where you are) than a summer photo. And this one is a panorama from a very sunny a hot day in the Dubai Marina.

This is a two shot panorama each shot blended from three exposures. Normally I would not even take a photo at a time like that. It was just too bright and the sun created a shadow over half of the marina. That did not really help when editing. I tried to edit this photo maybe 5 times before, but never got to a result I liked. Until now that is.

Hot summer day in the Dubai Marina

And here are few details, the huge yacht just looks crazy :)

Hot summer day in the Dubai Marina

Afternoon clouds over Manarola

Let’s go back to Manarola in Cinque Terre, Italy with today’s photo. This is the most typical view of Manarola that everyone takes. And no surprise there. I was in the town only for one sunset, so I also just managed this spot. To back I did not have more time to try few more. Maybe next time.

Actually if you ever want to capture a sunset from this spot, go there early. I got there around 1 hour before sunset, and I almost did not find a spot. It was so full with photographers. And even more came after me. But you know, if you are nice, there will always be a spot for another tripod :)

This is a two shot panorama, each shot from three exposures, blended in Photoshop.

Afternoon clouds over Manarola

And here are few details:

Afternoon clouds over Manarola

Burj Khalifa at night

Burj Khalifa does not really make for an easy composition. It stands out from the surroundings just so much. And mostly you even can’t get it into one photo. Like here, where I did a vertorama to get it fully. But then I ended up with a lot of empty sky. But since there were few stars visible, I decided to add few more, to break it up. And that worked quite nicely.

This is a two shot vertorama, each shot from 3 exposures. I could have used one more darker exposure but I forgot to take it. This was right after I lost my luggage the day before, and I was in a horrible mood. And that makes one forget.

Burj Khalifa at night
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