Time of day

Sunrise and sunset are the most popular times to take photos at. And it’s not really a surprise. The low sun can give you great color and makes for some wonderful photos. But which one to choose? Let me give you my thought on that :) Btw. most of the points are the same for morning vs. evening blue hour.

Sunrise vs. Sunset

At sunrise you have the place for yourself – Most of the places are empty very early in the morning. No cars, no people, no tourist and mostly not even other photographers. Nobody will stand in you way, nobody will photo-bomb your photos. Even very busy tourist spot (Eiffel tower, Tower bridge and similar) are empty in the morning. Of course there are exceptions. For instance there are always people at the Charles bridge in Prague. At any time.

The sun position is more unique at sunrise – Not many people do photos at sunrise. And there are probably even some that never seen one. As the sun is in a different position as for sunset, this makes for a more unique photo.

Sunrise vs. Sunset

Sunrise in Amsterdam

The air is clearer at sunrise – As it’s usually colder during the night than during the day, the moisture in the air condensates and it results in a more clearer view. Like this you will get more sharper photos. This does not work always and everywhere, but mostly it does.

Better water reflections at sunrise – If you ever been in Budapest, Amsterdam or any other city with a lot of water traffic, you would seen how hard is to get a reflection in a lake that is always being disturbed. But if you go in the morning, there is not traffic, and the water is perfectly calm. Like this you can get the most beautiful reflections.

Sunrise vs. Sunset

Sunrise in Cesky Krumlov

You can use a tripod at more locations during sunrise – There are places where normally you cant use a tripod. But if you are there very there is usually nobody to bother you, so nobody will mind if you use one.

Not everything is accessible at sunrise – This is sometimes a problem when taking sunrise photos. Some areas may be closed off and not accessible at all. A nice example here is a viewing platform in the middle of Cesky Krumlov, that has the best view of the city. It’s not open at all before 8am, so no luck if one wants sunrise photos.

Sunrise vs. Sunset

Sunset in Paris

It’s much easier to be up at sunset – Of course the biggest problem of sunrise is that it’s so early. Especially if you have been taking photos until lat at night. I sometimes don’t even go to sleep, as it easier than waking after only few hours.

Street and decorative lights are mostly on – Street lamps and decorative lights in the cities come on closer to the sunset, and usually turn off quite before the sunrise. So it you want the light in the shot, you are better of with sunset. Most decorative light are turned off in the middle of the night and you will not have them at all in the morning. This can be a positive in few cases too. Some landmarks have very strong lights on them.

Sunrise vs. Sunset

Sunset at the Neusidler See

Either way, you should get great photos at both times, just don’t forget that there are also other times in the day :)

Winter reflection

I used this winter reflection photo as an example in a post few days ago, to show how to do HDR/blended panoramas in Photoshop. And since I never posted the finished edit, here it is.

This is a two shot winter panorama each shot from two exposures. I did minimal edits here, mostly just to correct the overexposed areas, correct contrast and add sharpness. That’s it. Recently I try to keep the shots more realistic, and that goes hand in had with doing less in editing.

Winter reflection, Bratislava, Slovakia

And here are few details:

Winter reflection, Bratislava, Slovakia

5 fingers view

In my Top photography spots list for Hallstatt I mention that one should definitively visit also the 5 fingers lookout platform that is on a hill high above Hallstatt. And today, I will share with you another photo I took from there.

This is from last years summer, and while it was a bit hazy and cloudy, the view was spectacular. Too bad the cable cars close quite early (around 5 pm), so it’s not easy to get here for sunset. But I will try one day :)

This is a three shot blend, done in Photoshop.

5 fingers view


When I first shared the 4K wallpapers page last week, I mentioned that I will update it a bit more from the start as with only few it looks a bit silly. So here I’m doing this, with 4 new wallpapers.

You can get all my wallpapers from there pages:

New 4K wallpapers

The theme for today’s wallpapers is Paris, especially the Eiffel tower. One funny thing about this 4 photos is, that you get sunrise, daytime, sunset and an evening shot. So you got almost the whole day here :) Download them now from the 4K wallpapers page here.

4K wallpapers 3840x2160 Paris
4K wallpapers 3840x2160 Paris
4K wallpapers 3840x2160 Paris
4K wallpapers 3840x2160 Paris

Skylum deal

If you were looking to get Luminar 3 or Aurora HDR, maybe today is the day to do so. Right no until the 18th, Skylum is offering a 20USD off deal. You can get Luminar for 49USD instead of 69USD and a Luminar + Aurora bundle for 119USD instead of 168USD. Head over to the Skylum website for more info here.

Manes Bridge in Prague

Let’s continue with another big panorama today. This one is of the Manes Bridge in Prague, during quite a nice blue hour. It has been a while since I was in Prague so it’s really time again to go back there this year. Maybe once it’s warm again :)

This is a two shot panorama, each shot from three exposures. Blended and combined in Photoshop. You may have noticed by my latest photos, that I have been using only Photoshop. It’s start of the year and as usually I like to evolve my editing skills. And my goal is to have better, cleaner results with less work. That’s why I’m trying to limit the edits on the photos.

Manes Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic

And here are few details:

Manes Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic
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