Evening panorama from Vienna

It’s always funny, that closer a place is, the harder it is to visit. Vienna is less than one hour drive away form Bratislava, and yet I have only few photos from there. Being so close, it makes it much easier to just say, I can go there anytime, and go somewhere else. Really have to fix that this year, and finally also put together a Top photography spots list for Vienna. Should have been done a long time ago.

Here is a panorama I took in Vienna already few years ago, but I never edited it. It’s a three shot panorama, each shot blended from two exposures. Combined, blended and finished in Photoshop.

Evening panorama from Vienna

And here are few details:

Evening panorama from Vienna

New wallpapers

Let’s do even more 4K wallpapers today. The theme this time is Budapest at night, and some fireworks :) As always, these are at 3840×2160 so will work perfectly on your 4k monitor.

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

Budapest night wallpapers in 4K

And here are the new additions:

Budapest night wallpapers in 4K
Budapest night wallpapers in 4K
Budapest night wallpapers in 4K
Budapest night wallpapers in 4K

Across the Danube

I really like this view of Bratislava. The SNP bridge (or also known as the New bridge) spans the Danube and creates a nice contrast between the modern stile on the left and the old on the right. Still, there is a variation on this photo I want to take. Right around the end of the spring, the sun sets right in the middle between the castle and the bridge. So you can imagine how I want to capture it. I been planing a photo like that for years now. But I always forgotten and once I remembered, the sun was already setting at a different location. But maybe this year I finally remember and get the photo I want :)

This one I took late autumn last year. This is a two shot panorama, each shot from 2 exposures. Blended and combined in Photoshop. Btw. almost all of my recent photos have been edited only in Photoshop and only with the basic tools like masks and levels. The more I edit the more I want to go towards simplicity, and this is the result of it right now :)

Across the Danube


In my Top photography list for Amsterdam I mention Keukenhof as one of the must visit locations there. If you never heard of Keukenhof, it’s a huge park filled with tulips. It’s just beautiful (ant this is coming from a person that does not really care that much about flowers :)). And as Keukenhof just opened few days ago for their 2019 season, here are few photos from the last years to motivate you for a visit. I hope to visit it again this year, but not sure yet if I manage. Maybe if I have some work in Amsterdam.

More and more tulips


No clouds at the Notre Dame

I have been to Paris many times already. And almost each time I’m there, I try to go to the Notre Dame and try to get a photo I would like. And over the years, I never got one. I got OK ones, but nothing really spectacular. Every single time, it either rains, there are no clouds, or the weather is just ugly. But I will try again and again :)

Same here. That evening I got absolutely no clouds at all. Nothing. I could probably paste some in, but I generally don’t like to do that. So I ended up with this panorama. This is a two shot panorama, each one from two exposures. Blended and combined in Photoshop.

No clouds at the Notre Dame
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