Little bison in Topolcianky
In the last update, I mentioned I’m back and I will be updating the blog again. And right after that, I left for three days :) That’s how things work out sometimes. Work comes first. I took many photos in those days, but not much I can share here. But here is one.
I visited for a bit the Topolcianky Bison park near Topolcianky in Slovakia. While I normally don’t get to take many photos of animals, it was a good opportunity to get some. Even if it was crazy hot and sunny. It was a bit hard to get a nice composition, as I was not able to get close to the barriers, but it worked out nicely for this photo.
Hard to see how big the bison are from this photo, but they can be up to 2.7m in length, 1.9m height and up to 500kg in weight. And the big one here was not that far from it.
This is a single exposure, taken handheld. Split into two exposures, that I edited separately in Camera RAW and then blended them back tohgether in Photoshop.
And here is also a comparison to the original RAW file, for those curious to see how it looked straight from the camera.

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