Standing in the rain

It’s really nice to have a weather-sealed camera. If it rains, you can still take photos without really have to worry about it. You just can’t change lenses of course. Too bad that some of my favorite lenses are not weather sealed, especially the tilt shit ones. But I don’t know how that could have been done, without making the lens much bigger. It has to move it’s parts freely, which creates gaps. I actually really like to use the 24-70mm lens from Canon when it rains. The lens hood is so big, that it very nicely covers the front of the lens. I don’t really bother with rain covers at all. Maybe if I would shoot in the rain all the time, it would be worth it.

I used the 24-70 also here, to create a panorama. This is a 2 shot panorama, each shot blended from 4 exposures in Photoshop. This photo was taken in the midle of Nur-Sultan (Astana) in Kazakhstan.

Standing in the rain

Flowers in Keukenhof

To post something different than a landscape photo again, how about few flowers. I still had some from the Keukenhof park near Amsterdam that I had not posted before, so here they are today.

I do recoment a visit to Keukenhof when you are in Amsterdam, but of course only in the months it’s open. That would be from from the end of March to the end of May. Check out my Top photography spots in Amsterdam for all my recomendations there.

Flowers in Keukenhof
Flowers in Keukenhof
Flowers in Keukenhof
Flowers in Keukenhof

Lit up clouds over Hainburg

Sometimes the clouds can be so low, that they can reflect all the light from the ground. Like that, you get clouds that look much warmer than the rest of the sky. Same in this panorama taken from the hill above Hainburg in Austria. The clouds were so low, that when town lights changed their color completely.

I think I mentioned this before, but this one is one of those, unplaned panoramas. I mean, I took the photos as two separate shots, not for a panorama. But, since they were taken close after each other, with similar settings, I could still fit them together. I find I do this quite often. Sometimes it easier to see something when you calmly think about it while editing, instead of being in a hurry in the field when you are losing the light.

This is a two-shot panorama, each shot blended from three exposures in Photoshop. Combined into panorama also in Photoshop. If you want to know how that is done, check the guide here.

Lit up clouds over Hainburg


I see each day in the blog stats that you, the visitors, are downloading wallpapers from the selection available. I’m glad you like them, and so I’m adding a few new ones today.

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

Landscape 4K wallpapers

Today all the new wallpapers are all landscapes, from Italy, Portugal and Austria. All are in 4K resolution of 3840×20160 and can be downloaded as always from the 4K wallpapers page here.

Landscape 4K wallpapers
Landscape 4K wallpapers
Landscape 4K wallpapers
Landscape 4K wallpapers

Early morning in Ljubljana

I went a bit back into my photo library today, and edited a photo from 2013. My Lilghtroom catalag actually starts with 2008, as in that year I started to take photos. I don’t think I ever did one before that. Maybe on my photon, but that was like 1Mpix, so not really that great :)

This photo is from one very early morning in Ljubljana in Slovenia. Funny that I remember it like it was yesterday. There is this wooden bridge there, which gives you this view when you stand in the middle. The problem is, it shakes when somebody walks over it. So if you don’t want blurry photos, you have to go there when it’s definitively empty. And early morning is that time.

This is a blend of 4 exposures, done in Photoshop. As this was taken with the 5D mark II, I needed to use more exposures due to the lower dynamic range.

Early morning in Ljubljana
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