Most visited

Looking at the statistics over the last months on the blog, the Super ultra-wide wallpapers have been dominating with a big part of all the visits. The overall visits to the blog recovered a bit after the last year drop, but not completely. Still, I want to say big thank you to all that have been regularly visiting the blog over the years. It’s always a big motivation to continue working on it.

And let’s do even more wallpapers today :)

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

New Super Ultra-wide wallpapers

As always, these are all 5120×1440 for 32:9 screens.

Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px

A view from Paris

I have been neglecting the blog a bit this year, which I’m not happy about. But with working a different job right now, to get over this crazy times, I’m not really in the mood to spend even more time at the PC every day. I’m just happy when I can turn it off in the evening, and don’t look at it anymore.

But it’s not a good situation, I need to get back into it. The longer I delay that, the harder it gets. At least the muscle memory from years of editing is still there and using Photoshop as easy as ever. Opening Photoshop after weeks of not using it is just the same as before.

So for today, here is a shot from long time ago, taken one evening in Paris. For those curious, this is a blend of three exposures, edited a bit in Camera Raw and then blended in Photoshop, with few edits on top.

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