Wallpapers update

The wallpapers section is still the most visited part of the blog, so let’s do another update there. I tend to take quite a lot of panoramas, so there still are many to choose from and share with you.

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

New super ultra-wide walpapers

And as the super ultra-wide wallpapers are the most popular, here are 5 new ones for that category. A bit from all over the place today. Bratislava, Amsterdam, Prague, Nur-sultan and Barca de Alba to be exact. If you would like a wallpaper version of any of my photos, feel free to leave a comment. Will do so in the next update :)

Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px

Early Autumn sunset in Bratislava

So after quite a long while, I went out to take some new photos. And I even had a great location and nice sunset. I really hoped to take more photos, especially wait for the blue hour, but it was not meant to be. A very strong wind picked up after sunset, that I just could not get a sharp photo. It was even hard to stand still. But what esle to expect from an eary autumn sunset. There is still next time :)

But I got a few nice shots, so let’s start with one. This is a two-shot panorama, each one from 5 exposures. For each side, I took one extra shot, with my hand in front of the sun, so I can remove the lens flares. If you don’t know what I mean, you can see my guide on this technique here: How to remove lens flares. Like this, I got a nice, lens-free photo.

And as this is again a nice wide panorama, here is a wallpaper version for you, in 5120×1440 for super ultra-wide monitors with 32:9 aspect. This one and all the other super ultra-wide wallpapers can be found here.

Early Autumn sunset in Bratislava 5120x1440px
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