Some time ago in Budapest

I don’t even know if there were St. Stephens day Fireworks in Budapest this year. I don’t even remember when I was there the last time. It feels so strange, as I used to be there at least 5+ times every year. Strange times we live in.

This is a single exposure, double processed, then blended back together in Photoshop.

Some time ago in Budapest, Hungary

From new towards the old

A big part of the center area of Bratislava changed recently, with many new high-rise buildings being built there. The contrast between the old and the new is quite high there.

This view is from one of the new ones. Actually, the building you can see on the left here, is one of three identical ones, with fourth being built next to them. And this is the view from the middle one.

This is a two shot panorama, each schot from 4 exposures, blended in Photoshop.

From new towards the old, Bratislava, Slovakia

Blue evening in Prague

Let’s go with a shot from Prague today. The view of the center from the Visehrad area. There is a small lookout area there, that gives a really nice view. I would just suggest a longer lens.

This is a panorama from thwo shots, each shot from three exposures, blended in Photoshop.

Classic view from Prague

It really has been a long time since I was in Prague. Not really strange with how the world is right now. But it was really nice to be able to walk around Prague again. I was actually surprised by the number of people and tourists there, even in November. And most of the time it was even not that warm.

Still, I had a nice weekend there, while taking quite a few photos. And most of them being panoramas. Here you have one, taken right in the center of Prague. It’s a very classic view from Prague, but each time I’m there I take at least one photo of it. It’s a must.

This is a two-shot panorama, each side from 5 exposures, blended in Photoshop.

Classic view from Prague
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