Removing people from your photos

In today’s photo I used a technique, where I used multiple exposures to remove passing people from it. If you want to know more, I did an article all about it here, showing exactly how it’s done.

Crossing the Tower bridge

If you keep all the photos you ever took, you can anytime go back and edit ones that you could not before. The software gets always better and so do one’s editing skills with practice.

I did the same here. I selected one photo I took in 2013 while in London, and I edited it today. Came out quite nicely :) Since I always took multiple exposure, I had enough to work with.

The base of this photo is from 4 exposures, that I used to remove passing people. Than I used another 2 exposures to darken the highlights and brighten the shadows. All blended in together in Photoshop.

Crossing the Tower bridge, London, UK